Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
-Anatole France (1844-1924)
-Anatole France (1844-1924)
As a family who lives in South Florida, where the hurricane season provides all the roller coaster excitement and anxiety anyone can wish for between June 1 and November 30-- will it come here? if it doesn't come here, who else will it harm? -- we've learned from experience that dogs and cats and other animals often get the worst of it when a storm hits.
We all saw that in New Orleans. Shelters were overwhelmed, rescue folks were frantic, animals were lost or abandoned. That's how Just Harry came into our lives through some amazing serendipity and dedication on the part of JH's guardian posse, Lyn Townsend and her volunteers, after he was abandoned following Florida's brush with Katrina.
We've all been outraged to learn about the extent of dog fighting in this country -- and perhaps elsewhere. But we should also be outraged at the absence of provisions for animals in times of danger -- and the dreaded thought of euthanasia. 

Watching Hurricane Dean plow through the Caribbean and perhaps take aim at Texas, I've been thinking about all the animals who will be in harm's way and who never kvetch or complain, but just accept what life throws at them.
In times of stretched budgets, and strained day-to-day rescue dollars, it's hard to think of additional financial resources. But local communities can be encouraged to commit to providing a safety network for animals in anticipation of the inevitable emergency --whether a hurricane or a tornado, a flood or an earthquake. Places that people can leave their pets in, if necessary. Communication networks to speed identification. Provisions to feed and care temporarily for those who have lost their families.
Just some thoughts while watching that "cone of uncertainty" and those red, yellow, and green whorls
Written by Mom, with Jake and Just Harry's permission
We saw first hand the devastation in New Orleans after Katrina. Not only were there no plans for evacuation or shelters for pets, but far too many people left pets behind under the assumption that it was "just another false alarm."
We're thankful that we made two good decisions that Sunday. We left even though more experienced neighbors stayed behind, and we took the two cats who belonged to our landlords with us!
And we are also thankful that JH found a home with you, because some Katrina animals are still with rescue groups!
aka Gussie's Muzzer
Guess we have no concept of this - can't imagine an impending disaster and not taking Pippa (or any of our previous dogs).
Thanks for your comment on ours. As I said, we (luckily) really have no understanding of it. It's a very sobering and sad thought that you might have to make such difficult choices. It wasn't meant to be insensitive - just hard to take in. Kate (Pippa doesn't do that sort of thinking..!)
It's nice that you let your mom use the computer and your blog. You are very generous, Jake.
How sad what happens to some of us in times of disaster. Yet some people forget to take us with them when they seek safety. We are their best friends! We love them and we need them. How can they abandon us in such terrible times? We hurt, too.
Koobuss Kisses to All My Homeless Buddies,
Cheers guys. I did see your comment on DWB News. I keep looking to see if "Sally" has appeared yet on HHHH's blog, but no luck so far. :(
Catch you later.
Devasting for everyone, we are very lucky we dont' get hurricanes here.
Simba xx
As Simba says, I'm very glad we don't get hurricanes here in the UK. My heart goes out to all the animals caught up in the devastation. J x
PL2 says she can not even imagine ....and nor can we.How devastating....Love A+A
We know worry about this time of year. Wilma did a number on us in 2005. The bad part about Hurricanes is the devastation is so vast. Relief workers are overwhelmed and the infrastructure is gone.
One would hope folks would take their pets with them. Bless folks like you that take JH in, he is very lucky.
While Dad can understand what happens, that doesn't mean he likes it.
Hi Jake and JH's mum
This is Hammer and Beau's mum here. I feel exactly the same way as yourself. America does a lot more than Australia re helping the animals. There are so many dogs, cats, horses and all types of livestock being seriously neglected in people's backyards and absolutely nothing is being done about it. The murder rates of innocent animals in Australia is a national disgrace. Very little progress is made because of bureaucratic bungling, politics and personal agendas which also applies to private animal shelters too. Nothing is considered for animals when it comes to storms. The plight of our planet is reflected in the way our poor animals are treated. If 'only a human' could behave as respectully and honestly as 'just an animal'. Thank you for your kind words about Beau. I've added Jake and Just Harry to Hammer's friends. It's great to meet you all.
Love from Susan
that's awful..
Just been hearing the latest on Dean, battering Jamaica... and my heart goes out to all the cats & dogs who will be so scared by the disturbence & noise!
Not being a great people person, I know I'd alays save my pet or neighbours pets first, but for others the choice must be harder..
TY for all your visits & kind thoughts..
Pats & pets [& best wishes]
Hi there again,
Finally got around to up-dating my "Blog Friends" list... I hope you don't mind being included on my select list with a link!!
I'm glad you let your mom post, guys. This is important stuff and one side effect of Katrina was that many places have begun developing strategies for evacuating animals. I agree with you that this is really important. I hope you guys stay storm-free this season.
P.S. I didn't know JH was a hurricane survivor. I'm glad he found a new home with you!
Since I'm housebound, because of wet weather, no swimming due to wrist & even walking jars the pin in my plaster, I'm bored... so I've laid down a tag challlange to a few friends....
Sorry but you're foodie tagged , mom too! Do play!
Jake & JH's mama!!
You are sooo right! I can't imagine the uncertainty of living in hurricane country. There definitely needs to be more animal awareness out there when it comes to evacuation and providing safe shelters during storms.
Thank you for adopting JH after Katrina - what a lucky dog, and what lucky peeps to be rescued by him!!
Goober love,
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