Remember Forrest Gump ? Remember this?
"My momma always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'"
Well, we're dogs and we're not supposed to have chocolate so I don't really know what a box of chocolates looks like (OK, I did taste it just that once when I jumped on the chair Mom had forgotten to push under the table when she went out and opened the securely closed container she had left on the table after Dogdad's birthday and scarfed down half a dozen individually wrapped Ghiardelli chocolate squares and made her crazy when she came home and found the path of wrappers I had left behind until she spoke with Dr. Dan who told her not to worry because the ounces of chocolate I ate in proportion to my 25 pounds shouldn't cause any problems but she should monitor me which she did, discovering for sure that I was the perp when I produced a sliver of shiny wrapper the next day...).
But I understand the image. It's like us. Sometimes we get in the car all excited 'cause we're going for a ride. Sometimes it's for two weeks away with the folks for Christmas. Yay!!! And sometimes it's a long stay at Dr. Dan's animal camp. Not so Yay!!!
You never know.
And that's what life has been like these past days. All the excitement of the DWB pawty in Manhattan -- that --because of our Dogdad's unexpected horse piddle stay, we got to experience only vicariously through all the happy posts and photos from our pals' humans and their flatties.
And just when we got over our concern about Dogdad and were enjoying everyone's good times in NYC, then we learned about Scruffy, baby Stan, and Lacies's dad -- and concern for them and Mumsie replaced our own.
And then the old relentlessly huge Mango Man had himself a "seize her."
So -- I'm thinking that with all these ups and downs life delivers -- Forrest Gump was probably right.
But I think scarfing those chocolates was a lot more fun....
Nature Friday
18 hours ago