Then ..... and Now
Hello Dear Friends,Well, today's the day!! Today's the day two years ago that Mom and Dogdad drove with Jake to Orlando to meet me and bring me home to Plantation.
Did they know at the time that I was a silly goofball? I don't think so, but they sure found out fast. But the sillier I was, the more they loved me. "Silly" became a term of endearment, kind of like this poem about Winnie the Pooh:Deep in the hundred acre wood,
Where Christopher Robin plays,
You'll find the enchanted neighborhood,
Of Christopher's childhood days.
A donkey named Eeyore is his friend,
And Kanga, and little Roo.
There's Rabbit, and Piglet, and there's Owl,
But most of all Winnie-the-Pooh.
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff.
He's Winnie-the-Pooh. 
Winnie-the-Pooh.Willy, nilly, silly, old bear.
So, when did they realize what a willy, nilly, silly wire fox terrier I am?Was it when I got up the first morning after I had slept upstairs and ran downstairs to pee all over the couch?Was it when Dogdad wanted to take me out in the rain under an umbrella, and my legs went limp and I moved as far away from him as I could so he had to leave the umbrella at home for me to go out?Was it when they discovered how petrified I am of fireworks and thunder -- and had to carry me home one evening, when fireworks went off unexpectedly, because I couldn't walk?Was it when they realized my muzzle trembles whenever I'm expecting a treat, or when I'm about to do my business outside, or when I see something that is "different"?Was it when they saw me "go to ground" under the coffee table if anything upset me?Was it when I figured out how to make Jakey crazy by sneaking back around the bed and catching him unawares while he was waiting for me to come out from under the bed?Was it when I decided that, while I always had breakfast and dinner in my crate, I liked his crate to take a snooze in before or after dinner?Was it when they took me to the dog park and I found the only
mud puddle and rolled around in it while Jake retained his pristine white paws?Was it when they saw me snapping at dust specks in sunbeams?Was it when they heard this great vacuum-sucking sound coming from the front door -- only to discover that it was I, the super sniffer, taking a verrry long sniff to see what was outside?Was it when I kept waking them in the middle of the night with long whimpers, from a bad dream, or a sad memory, we don't know?And now, Is it when Dogdad beckons me to jump into his lap, but I invariably jump into Mom's lap instead.Is it when I continue to kiss Jakey's face, sniff his butt, and play bow/growl to entice him to play, even in the face of continual rejection?Is it when I wait patiently by the door while Jake goes out first until Mom -- or Dogdad -- comes back to take me.Is it 'cause I was so heroic about my Elizabethan collar -- didn't let the bonking get to me, and let them put it back on after every walk, even though it was reallllly annoying.Or -- and I think this is the case -- is it when I stand on my hind legs and put my paws on the edge of the bed, before we all go to sleep, to get my good night scritches and tell Mom and Dogdad how much I love them. Or when I come over to see if Mom's awake on a weekend morning? Or when I come see how she's doing in the afternoon, when she's been working hard, and lick her face.So what do you all think? Am I a silly goofball? Or just a very happy wire fox terrier with a wee bit of nervous baggage?
To help celebrate, Asta sent me this sweet Happy Adoption Day Card, with all my favorite foods. And I'm writing this before the clock strikes my day here in Plantation -- although it's already struck where lots of my friends are -- in Singapore and Australia --, so I don't know yet what's in store for the rest of the day. But I'm sending lots and lots of love and happy woofs to all my friends, four paws, two legs, old and new.
Just Harry (or, to borrow from my new friend HHHHarry, happy, hairy, Harry!!)Oops: I think I have some messages: Happy Just Harry Day, JH!! You are a goofball, but we love both of our little ones equally, and enjoy your differences. You are definitely your own dog, and that makes you "you". Keep up the good work... All the best, Dogdad.That's true, Just Harry!! We respect that you are your own dog and, as the poem goes, march to your own drummer!!! We're so glad we found you and hope you enjoy living here with us and Jake and that your willy, nilly, silly doggie heart is full of joy and love every single day. Happy Just Harry Day!! MomOK, Brother Dog, just between us, I really do enjoy having you around. You bring out my best barking self; you take the pressure off; and, actually, you make me look good in front of Mom and Dogdad. So Happy Just Harry Day!! Just remember who taught you how to get food and treats out of our folks, and who taught you about peanut butter, popcorn, and all the other goodies we share!!! And lets you smell the best smells with him!! JakeHappy Adoption Day, JH!Two years, two ears and fewer and fewer fears.That's the way to do it! PK, Gimlet, Sammy and Joe the Cat