Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Few Good Shakes and I Split my Collar! in Two

It's Day Six since I started wearing my new transparent "chapeau."

If I must say so myself, I've made the best of it. I can run up and down the stairs like before, if I just lift my head up a bit. And if I snooze with my head on my paws, the darn thing doesn't get too much in my way. I can jump on the couch and, if Mom clears a path, I can now jump on her lap without causing any damage.

Still, it's a dangbang nuisance. So, this morning, with a few good shakes after breakfast, why I managed to split the whole collar in two. Mom was at a meeting, so Dogdad was working from home to keep an eye on us. When he saw what had happened, he shook his head and sighed, "Goof ball, what have you done?" Gotta' fix this before Mom gets home!"

Fortunately, in his hall "workshop," he found some wide transparent tape, and patched the collar up. He was going to use duct tape -- we have rolls and rolls of duct tape as part of our hurricane season supplies -- but then he decided Mom would not be too happy with that fix.

Not sure what to do next. But it's only a few more days, I hope.

Just Harry


Balboa said...

DUDE, you must be one strong dog! hey, You should have used duct tape, that would have been funny and tough.

Mommy thinks its funny, when she got married her mom's shoe broke and they used duct tape and no one cuz it was a silver shoe!

Frenchie Snorts

Duke said...

Maybe you've worn it long enough that you don't need it anymore?? I hope so!

Love ya lots,

Agatha and Archie said...

Way to go,we are proud of you buddy.Maybe they will let you take it off???????? Love A+A


Having to wear one of those is just plain and in-dog-main. When I had to wear mine, Auntie Essex would snap at me.

William Tell said...

Do you get called Goofball often? hee hee

Mom calls me Knucklehead, mostly. Sometimes Doofus. I'll answer to about anything anymore.

William Tell

Gus said...

Pictures! Pictures! But they would've been funnier with duct tape

Simba and Jazzi said...

You want to a lot of trouble to break it and they go and mend it. Better try harder.

Simba x

Peanut said...

ah to bad your dad didn't use the duct tape. Me and my dad love that stuff.

Asta said...

Hi kids
since you're getting so adept at wunning awound, why don't the two of you get dwessed and come with me to cwash Simba's 007 pawty??there will be pawtinis shken not stiwwed
smoochie kisses

Poppy said...

You should go check out my big friend Randi's solution to the e(vil)-collar nightmare. He looks like a sailor!


Poppy said...

Uh-oh. I think some of the address got cut off. Well, just go visit and scroll down a couple posts. You'll see it!


Asta said...

Hi Jake and Just Harry
Just get dwessed, put your pictuwe up, and go tell Ben Ben to come pick you up..he has an aston mawtin caw,heheh
tell Joey and Tanner that you want some Mawtinis too
see you there
smoochie kisses
pee ess, thanks fow the compliment

Asta said...

Hi JH andJake
if any doggie DAWES to laugh at you, I will bite them and I don't mean bitey face play bite..but don't wowwy no one would laugh unless they're stoopid..
I'll pwotect you, besides you look mystewious and handsome
smoochie kisses

Randi said...

Ah, nice to meet you Jake! I'm so sorry you had to have a silly cone on your head...but the BLOW collar only works when you have butt & leg owies.... =(
Love & Licks,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey JH,

Well done on your attempted collar destruction. Any tips on how you did it? J x

Stanley said...

Glad you showed them that you are wearing the collar because YOU decided to follow their directions. Of course, you can take that thing off or destroy it anytime you want... you're a terrier, aren't you!!

Good thing dad was there to repair it before he had to face the wrath of the mama! Only a few days more, man!

Goober love,