Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Collar Free, Wheeeee!!!!

Just a quick note to tell everyone that I am officially collar and stitches free. As one of my first acts of liberation, I tried to hump Jakey.

Mom was not amused.

More later, pals.

Just Harry


PreciOus said...

Hooray! No more collar for you. Haha you do have a funny way of showing your liberation.


Balboa said...

WOOOHOOOOO! Ha ha ha, how did Jakey respond?

Frenchie Snorts

Ruby Bleu said...

Yay JH...YAY!!! So glad you are feeling better. Now hopefully Jake took it in stride!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

Yessiree Jake! You are officially a member of the Brokeback Mountain club. And to think, your own brother.

Koobuss said...

Good for you Just Harry! Glad you don't have to wear the collar any more, but you could have celebrated differently.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Anonymous said...

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do... Congratulations on your emancipation, JH!


Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm Jakey didn't mind, oops. Glad you have got rid of the dreaded collar.

Simba xx

Stanley said...


Congratumutations on being collar free!!

FYI - moms NEVER like to watch us hump... guess they've never tried it. (Did I just bump your blog rating up to a PG-13?? Sorry, man.)

Goober love,

Duke said...

Congratulations! We're thrilled that you're free of the dreaded lampshade! Now to mind your manners!

Love ya lots,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, so glad to hear you're free of the dreaded collar of shame. I think a celebratory hump was definitely in order! Jx

Agatha and Archie said...

WooHoo!!(What's a celebration hump amongst friends..._ Love A+A