Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jackson on our minds and in our hearts

Update: Power to the Paw!!!
Our wirey buddy, Jackson, has made it through the surgery this afternoon and is now recovering in intensive care. He still needs all our thoughts and positive vibes though, not to mention loud barks, until he is himself again.
It's raining pretty heavily here, so it will be hard to see the dogstar in the heavens tonight, but if we close our eyes, we can see it bright and clear so that's what we'll do!!!.

Like all of our wirey and other pals, we can't stop thinking about Jackson, who's undergoing surgery as we bark, and we keep checking the clock to see what time it is in the UK.

We're with the J's and you, Jackson. We know you're a fighter!!

Jake and Just Harry


Kyanite said...

It's a very day here waiting for news...
Pats & pets
An axious Blue

Asta said...

Jake and Just Harry
That's all we can think about..we keep wunning to the pootew fow many of us awe pulling fow him, ouw bawks just have to be heawd!
love you
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

Yup. Muzzer is not much use for anything here. She's ironing a bit and weeping a bit and running to check the puter. We are just moping, too worried to bark right now.


Asta Marie said...

Yes Jake and JH....

I am worried sick about Jacksona and we have not heard a word yet.....we are keeping our paws crossed that he is fine and out of must be evening there....

Oh and Jake...I would be delighted to attend a baseball game with you. I do not put much stock in pedigrees and while there are champions in my ancestors, there are no champions in any of my close relatives. Don't think there are any relatives from Ireland or England either but I have Evewire ancestors. Then there was that vet who docked my tail too short and those of my sister and 3 brothers him I would love to get a pair of pliers to where it would really hurt..oh but I digress...I am a very down to earth (as in earthdog) type of girl and I think it is wonderful that you are interested in sports even if it isn't the chasing rats kind.

After we find out how Jackson is we can speak further.....

Asta Marie, WFT

Eduardo said...

Still praying!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lacy said...

w00f's, me keeps lookin at the reader thingy, wishin Jacksons name will pop up, but skeered the same time...

b safe,

Lizzy said...

Jake, Harry!

We have never met Jackson before, but we will be praying and thinking of him today. I hope the surgery goes fine, and I wish him a quick recovery!


Duke said...

We were constantly looking at the clock too! Our paws will remain crossed till Jackson is home and celebrating his birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's jake and jh, me seed on me reader, rite after i lefted dat comment that he made it through iz soooo happy, but we gots to keep the crossed paws and prayers he get better...thanks fur letting me no...

b safe,

pps, dont know y but sumtimes my reader thingy iz really slow puttin up everdog, kitty and hammies new will haff to put a update on me bloggy...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Thanks pals! J x

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That's great news that Jackson got through the surgery! Myself, Kenji and Lady will be barking like mad too and thinking of him during his recovery...thanks for the update!


Unknown said...

Hi fellas,

Well, what a long day indeed! All around the world, dogs and their people were adding or subtracting hours to figure out what time it was in London. Mommy couldn't check the blogs so she would run out with her iPhone and try to see if there was any news.

Tonight we can say prayers of gratitude and send blessings to Jackson's wise doctors and caregivers...and of course, the Js'. The tough part is over, now for a FULL recovery!

Your pal,


P.S. Jake, with all this excitement, have you planned your date with Asta Marie yet???

Asta Marie said...

Now wasn't that just the best news ever...hearing that Jackson has mad it through the surgery and that he might be home by Friday? We were dancing in the street last night....our barking has been heard....

Asta Marie, WFT

Simba and Jazzi said...

I am wishing Jackson a full and speedy recovery.

Simba x


Glad to hear Jackson is doing better. Keep going Jackson.

Essex & Deacon