Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Cyberspace as a Warm and Loving Place

In the two days since Oscar died so suddenly, an amazing 182 comments have been left on his blog. So many of us, devastated at his loss, rushed to share Katy and Martin's sorrow.

It set my Mom to thinking. As always, when she is musing about something, she asked, "Jake, what do you think?" And (with apologies to the New Yorker cartoon) I told her what I always tell her: Woof!!

Which she interpreted in the following way:

Writing a dogblog is incredibly captivating. There's the dog's unique personality and then there's the human's own personality and they become so intertwined that it's hard to know where one ends and the other begins. But then, in expressing sadness and sympathy to Oscar's family, so many humans took off their dog masks and said, "Here we are. We feel for you and we are grieving with you. And so are our dogs."

It's a fascinating, previously unimaginable, form of communication. It's called "virtual." But an ocean of real, not virtual, tears were shed behind those 182 comments -- and perhaps only five or ten, if that many of us, actually met Oscar and his family other than through his fun and friendly blogs and comments on other's posts.

I guess what Mom is trying to say is that we are on to something wonderful. So: Woof!!!

(I guess many of you have already figured this out -- but we're still kind of new at this.)



Poppy said...

Thanks for the nice post, Jake and JH. I just found your blog and read your old posts. Am I correct in remembering that one of your nicknames is Pooper-something? Mine too!!! Come on by anytime!

Ruby Bleu said...

You so got it right. Isn't it amazing how we all can pull together! I'm so glad my Mom started a blog and have built this wonderful cyberfamily for me!!!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Jake, WOOF! You are right. This cyber community is really supportive. We have seen Mom shed tears for dogs and a hamster whom she never met but laughed and looked forward to following their antics. We have the best kind of people in our group ... the kind that love animals. That tells you a lot about a person before you have time to learn anything else.

Balboa said...

You said it perfectly Jake. I couldn't agree more, I love this cyberfamily and don't know what I would do without it.

Frenchie Snorts

Stanley said...

Here Here Jake!

Like somebody (I think it was Ruby's mom) said in another post, it's not just a community, but a family!!

My girl and I are new to blogging too (we've been at it since the very end of May). There's a lot to learn, but the first thing that comes across is that hoomans truly BOND over their dogs. (Nice to know we can help them out, isn't it?)

Goober love to you & your mama,

Mango and Party said...

Dear jake & Just Harry,

We agree with you both.

Wiry loves,
Mango and Party

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, what a lovely post. DWBs is an amazing community of people and dogs. It's a pleasure to be part of it. J x

Headgirl said...

Yes, I couldn;t agree more about the doggy community. Apart from Oscar's immediate family, I'm the only one, a non DWG, bcause I don't have a dog, who was sssssssooooooooooo fortunate to met handsome Oscar & his sweet mum Katy.
He was my second dog-blog friend & I miss him & future meetings terribly!


Koobuss said...


Well said. I could't agree more. That "Woof" means an awful lot.

Koobuss Kisses to you both.

Your friend,

Dandy Duke said...

Asta and Putter's moms were both talking about you guys yesterday and I was clueless! Thank you for signing my blog! Now I can keep up with you!

Love ya lots,

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Jake & Harry

Mummy and I totally agree with you guys! It's gives us a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that so many doggies and humans can bond over such a simple thing as a blog.

Looking forward to more wonderful times together


Chilli the Dog said...

ps...thanks for dropping by my blog


Lenny said...

My mom and I couldn't agree more!

Your friend, Lenny

Daniella said...

Jake, a wonderful post and so eloquently stated. We agree wholeheartedly! Blogging is a wonderful and cathartic experience. We are always among friends.

Ferndoggle said...

Hi Jake! That was an awesome post. We are so lucky to have found such a wonderful family to share our fun times, but support us through the hard times.

Sherman, Penny & Lola


We think you have something there. We have found some friends in cyber-paw-space and the dog park that we would have never met.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

We are astounded by the nu,ber of comments left. We hope that oscar's blog will be able to make all those people & dogs happy again in the future just as it will for us.

We have updated today with some plans for remembering Oscar.

Katy & Martin x

William Tell said...

Reaching out to comfort when someone has lost a pet is just part of being a friend. We all have a common bond here, and we understand.

William Tell

Fox's Mom said...

You're so right Jake! I'm learning alot about being a cat from the four-leg's blogs, and I'm learning about how peoples that love four-legs are a family, no matter how far apart they are, and even if they never meet f2f! I'm also learning that maybe woofers aren't bad at all, and I'm trying to talk my people into getting one to move in with us. He can't share my bowls, though.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Jake
We all are so happy to be part of this big DWB family.
We are here to support one another in the good and the bad days!
Have a nice day