Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Office supplies are not just for humans

OK, is this MY fault or my Dad's fault? His computer bag has a zipper pouch in the front that sometimes contains leftover airline pretzels or other goodies, along with "office supplies." After a few "episodes," Dad has learned to keep the pouch zippered -- except if it's not totally closed, we've also learned how to open it enough to get our noses in and extract whatever is in it.

So, the other day, he and Mom came home and found lots of paper clips and binder clips and post it notes and computer cords on the floor 'cause we pushed the zipper open and got all that stuff out. What Mom didn't know, however, is that I had also extracted one of those small cardboard pads with little sticky tabs on it to use when you want to show where to sign something or mark a spot in a document. She didn't know that is until around 2:30 am that night when a familiar retching sound woke her up and when she looked to see what I had produced, she found the whole pad -- yucky but intact. She panicked as to whether I had swallowed anything else -- but apparently I hadn't. She also wondered where I had stored the pad for at least 10 hours. So, whose fault?????

(Sorry no pictures...)



WFT Nobby said...

Did it taste good Jake?

Dexter said...

Sorry, Jake, but I am laughing so hard at the shocked look that must have come when that pad of post its showed up like that. Oh, you little scamp.


The Thuglets said...

OMD...Jake! Take a note takes on a new meaning!

On a serious note we are pleased you got it out of your system and are now feeling better. Pawscrossed.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Did you have lots of important messages to have signed, Jake? Seriously, dude, don't eat paper - yuck! Now pretzels would be yummy. Hope you are OK.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Gus said...

Jakey...we agree with the comments that pretzels or cookies are better than paper. Just remember..they think they are smarter than we are, so they should keep their stuff safe.

gussie n teka

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Jake...a note..
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

One of those rainbow ones, Jake? I bet it was tasty!

Love ya lots,


We think you swallowed it so you could show Dog Mom, where to pick up your poop.

Essex & Sherman

roughseasinthemed said...

I used to do a good line in plastic and wood. Nice one I think, on your part.


Scout and Freyja said...

NO PICTURES! What's goin' on with your momma and dadda, they needs to take photos of your 'producings' so alla us can see!

How Sam Sees It said...

...but if they had come out the other end it would have made it easier to find the poos in the yard!


Angus said...

Intact ! That takes real skill !

The Life of Riley said...

Your stomach is not the place to stick those notes!

Love and woofs,

Martha said...

That really was rather impressive Jake!
Our suggestion is that you stick those notes on the computer bag telling the human to put it away!
We reckon it was your Dad's fault you were sick.....after all you are just a 'dumb' animal!!!
No offence intended of course.
Good work for sicking it up at 2.30am - that makes you very smart!

Groucho said...

Wow, it's ages since we visited your blog and boy, we are glad we did - I think it's entirely the humans fault - well, I certainly blame my Two Legged Ones when something like this happens. My take on it is - look, I'm a terrier, I smell something, I'm genetically programmed to investigate and do what has to be done to find the good smelling stuff - and if, along the way, something comes along that looks different and tasty, I'll eat that too. I once ate a whole sock and to this day, I blame the Two Legged Ones - make the house terrier proof, I said!

Well done on getting the zipper open by the way - I'll be trying that soon myself!



Oskar said...

Oh I bet you had great fun until the barfing began.

Nubbin wiggles,