Uh, Mom, our flat selves don't have tails.
Of course, not, Flat Boyz. But we're talking tales, not tails...Remember, like the Heron-Cam used to do when Jake and Just Harry couldn't be present.
OK, Mom, we get it!
So, hello everybody!!! Here we are (two months ago) in Seattle, Washington, for the annual seaport convention that Mom always attends.
On the way, we saw this interesting sign...
The next day was September 11 -- and from our room we could see the American flag at half mast on top of the Space Needle. It was an emotional moment.
We visited Washington University... where of course we saw our first president, for whom the university (and the state) were named.

The grounds of the university and the buildings are impressive. Lots of the buildings are named after one of the uniiversity's benefactors -- including Bill Gates and members of his family.
Not all of those on the campus were students or faculty members. We found splendid Canadian geese -- including one who reminded us a bit of Ms. Lacie, our Lakie friend ...

An exciting museum -- the Burke Museum -- that features Northwest native art is right next to the main campus of the university. Of course, knowing how much Mom loves that art, we had to visit.

Mom and Dogdad each had their eyes glued for their special interests. For Mom, it was the gantry cranes at the port.
For Dogdad, it was the articulated buses...
And the monorail.
The convention included three delightful evening events. First a cocktail reception at the Space Needle, where everyone (except us) watched the sunset, ate prodigious amounts of oysters, shrimp, and Dungeness crab, and then viewed Seattle by moonlight.

Next evening's event was at the Aquarium, where jelly fish, star fish, and a seductive octopus were the stars.

The grounds of the university and the buildings are impressive. Lots of the buildings are named after one of the uniiversity's benefactors -- including Bill Gates and members of his family.

And the third evening event was held at the Museum of Flight, a gala, where everyone (except us) sat and ate under an array of airplanes -- including a drone.

Seattle is a fascinating city, and is proud of its world-recognized companies: Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, and Starbucks... as well as the original Nordstrom's, which is in an elegant plaza, with an extraordinary bird. (Did Mom buy anything? We're sworn to secrecy.)

And those are our Seattle tales, two months late for reasons beyond our control.

Seattle is a fascinating city, and is proud of its world-recognized companies: Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, and Starbucks... as well as the original Nordstrom's, which is in an elegant plaza, with an extraordinary bird. (Did Mom buy anything? We're sworn to secrecy.)
And those are our Seattle tales, two months late for reasons beyond our control.
Flat Jake and Flat Just Harry
What a great trip. But I can't believe that Dog Mom and Dad passed up on Dog Alley. Well actually I can believe it 'cos I can totally believe that Gail too would be distracted by escargots and wine...
Toodle pip!
Seattle...that is one of the hoomans favorite cities. They like to go to that market and watch while peoples toss fishes back and forth across the aisles. but they never did bring us anything from that Dog Alley place.
Looks like a wonderful visit.
What a fun trip! We bet you guys would have loved to have chased those Canada geese!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great read and super insight into Seattle. Escargots? won't go into that one. hoomans? Never write things up at the right time.
Wow..what a fabulous trip. Seattle looks like a great place to visit especially with Dog alley!
Have great week
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Seattle looks very interesting. Perhaps our flat selves may fly over and visit one day.
Your flat selves look like they had fun.
Hi, it's me cos Misery was using her won log -in last time. Can't imagine you have moved have you?? Cos she is writing a handful of cards and is sending one your way. Unless we hear from you rapido, we'll send it to the same address.
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