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That Time Again...
So there we were minding our business when Mom and Dogdad looked at us then looked at each other then looked at us again -- and we knew it was "that time." Here we are in all our furry glory before the fun began...
Here am, I, Jake,anticipating the inevitable.
First the furmination.
Then the plucking.
Mine, those furs are mine. Why are they detached from me and just sitting there on the coffee table?
But I was not alone in this fur thievery. Here's JH also waiting for the inevitable.
Dogdad, Mom, have you no shame?
Isn't there anybody out there to take pity on us?
I guess we truly are brothers now, fur brothers, with JH's darker fur blending into mine.
Oh dear, just when JH thought he was done, he was summoned back for some final touches with the clipper. Me too for that matter.

At last, at last we were liberated and got to go outside. But just look at those svelte, speckled bodies!
I guess you might call this a form of male bonding -- Dogdad treats us with the utmost care. His method of grooming us is a bit unorthodox, as it mostly happens on his lap, with lots of scritches and guy talk one to one.
So I guess, when it's over, we're still pals!
And here's our "after" shot: two lean, mean terrier machines! 
Correction: two lean, mean, and very handsome terrier machines:) You both look great despite the indignity of all that grooming.
Bet you both are feeling a whole lot cooler too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Very smart! Good to see the difference a good stripping achieves rather than the old clippers... guys, it could have been worse!
Ruff, you both look pawsome.
Guys, you look great!
And your dad must love you lots to hold you on his lap and grrooooms you himslf, while I get sent out to a STRANGER!
I feels your pain... I gets stripped, too...
but I like it when they run the stripping comb over my belly... it's like the ultimate belly scritch!!
you two look fabulous!!
You both look so handsome!
We feel for you. Mitch got clipped last week and I had my spa day Saturday! It must be the season!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hate to laugh at your expense, but those faces! Oh the horror! Hehehe.
P.S. Oh dear, my password is prick.
It sounds like a little torture but at the end.... you two look soooooo handsome!
Kisses and hugs
You guys look great but we think pawents are jealous we have more hair than them
Benny & Lily
They took all your furs!
I think you both look very handsome after your "spa" treatment from dog dad!
Oh what a cute post! ...allowing us to watch your demise, BOL! You guys sure do look handsome - puts me to shame. Don't let my Maxmom see this...
Two very handsome chaps you both are now. Stay cool.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Jake and Just Hawwy
You two awe sooo lucky
Youw Dogdad's method of gwooming is the bestest much mowe soothing than mine and the wesults?
You two look mah velous
smoochie kisses
I get the strippin' stuffs done too - I don't like it too much, but I do like it when everyone tells me how pretty I am afterwards.
Looks like you lost enough fur there to make another dog. Or stuff a pillow with. Does your DogDad fly-fish? He could make his own flies with that hair. Anyway, your grooming table looks SO much more comfy than ours! And you both turned out handsome in the end. How convenient for you to have a groomer in the house!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
And oh so very handsome! Check it out! Fergi and JH really are twins! So ya s'pose she could be his long lost moma? It's a possibility, ya know?
Just as Moma is helping us paw this out ... Bella's getting a furstyle ... and making a furball of her own. We have a feeling that means we'll be next.
Jake (Jake's twin ... gotta love us handsome ginger dudes!)
You both look fabulous! Here's to a grooming job well done!
P.S. Thanks for your very thoughtful comment :-)
WEll, this is my first time to meet you guys and I think you look great both ways.
Hope we can be friends.
You look much better than I do. My fur is falling out in chunks, either that or it is all stuck together around hotspots.
I wonder if I could be a lean, mean GSD/husky machine? No, maybe not.
PS - know what you mean about your mom and the books. Misery is the same.
Boys we feel your pain.. We cant believe you let him do your feet??? NOT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love A+A
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