Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, July 5, 2010

"Shave and a Haircut -- Two WFTs*

OK, so we survived all the fireworks boomers last night -- but today was another matter: Stripping and clipping day! When I woke up, I had a sense something was up. "Harry dog, oh Harry dog?" "Jakers!! Jakey come!"

We know those enticing tones. The next thing we know, we're in lockdown with soothing words and treats to beguile us.

Here's the drill: first Jake and then I get plucked as much as we can stand -- usually just across our colored wirey jacket. Then we get clipped and snipped and it's not fun! Actually, it can be downright undignified!!!
The resulting fur balls on steroids from the two of us...
No, that's not another dog -- it's our stolen furs!!!

But then, once it's over, we start to feel good about ourselves.
Jakey looks trim, doesn't he? Mom can't call him her roly poly porky dog anymore -- at least until he blooms again.And. gee, my speckles are back!!!
So, we guess all's well that ends well. Dogdad reports that when he took us out after our ordeal, we raced and gamboled and stacked and ran circles in a way we haven't for a while. Could it be that our innate bouncy terrierness was weighed down by all that extra fur?

Just Harry
* For our friends who may not be familiar with the joke from "Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits," here are a few facts from Wikipedia:
"Two bits" is a colloquial expression in the United States for 25 cents, a quarter.
The tune has been used innumerable times as a "wrap-up" in musical pieces performed through the years.

The first known occurrence of the tune is from 1899.
In West Side Story, Leonard Bernstein incorporated the phrase at the end (and punch-line) of the song Gee, Officer Krupke, with the text "Gee, Officer Krupke - krup you!"
American captives in the Vietnam war would authenticate a new prisoner's American identity by tapping the first 5 notes of "Shave and a Haircut," against a cell wall, waiting for the appropriate response.
The couplet was a plot device in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the idea being that Toons cannot resist finishing with the "two bits" when they hear the opening rhythm.


Dexter said...

That looks like torture. But then, it was all worth it because you look fab.


Gus said...

You are looking quite handsome...getting ready for special summer activities or???

I got groomed today too. I hates it!


Kari in Alaska said...

you are both looking quite handsome

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Now that I've seen yours, I khan't wait to see Gussie's!


The Boston Lady said...

I'm a newbie to your posts, but boys, you sure do look handsome! The Bostons don't need a lot of grooming, but you can be sure they appreciate a well-groomed male! Have been enjoying your posts.

Barbara said...

Well, you're both handsome either way, but I'll bet you're cooler now!

Really? We had to explain "shave and a haircut, two bits"? Damn, I'm getting old!

Asta said...


A shave and a haiw cut...two bits..(you guys should have hidden youw piggie banks and then maybe.......but I must say, it couldn't have been that bad, cause the wesults suwe look gweat and to become mowe bouncy and get those smile in place is wowf it!!!

Smoochie kisses

Ina in Alaska said...

Looking really great! Being as hot as it seems to be in your part of the world, those haircuts are a great idea! xoxo

TwoSpecialWires said...

You've gotta admit. The smiles in the last couple of pictures tell it all. You loved it. You really did!

(You look great!)

Recently plucked and trimmed up north of you,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

WFT Nobby said...

Hmmm. I'm not liking what I'm reading about this grooming business. I mean, I admit that you both look very handsome at the end of it all, but, well, what a palaver eh?
And if you live in Scotland, you need all your fur to keep warm most of the time...
Toodle pip!

Jake of Florida said...
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Jake of Florida said...
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Dandy Duke said...

You both look very handsome and we bet you feel so much cooler!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angus said...

What handsome fellows!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

You guys look so good after your furcuts! I'm thinking I need of a furcut too as I'm reading your blog..I'm sort of 'blooming' fur myself! LOL! Though, I don't think I look as good as you both when I get my fur-cut =) Mom is hopeless at clipping, let alone stripping. Heh!

Happy Belated Fourth!


Princess Patches said...

You both look fabulous!...not to mention cooler! Our dad used to use the tune of "Shave and a haircut-two bits" to knock on the ceiling, in the basement, when he was down there and needed Mom's help! She always knew to go down there when she heard that tune on the floor!

Penny & Patches

doyle and mollie said...

oh we so love your speckles just like pinkie freckles loves and licks

Agatha and Archie said...

Hmmmmphhhh must be in the air because THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO US!!!!( I must say I do look a lot svelter) We are catching up on what seems to be three million light years ago blogs!! love and kisses A+A HAHAHAHA our word verification is pawnar!!!

Dandy Duke said...

We are thinking positive thoughts for your dad, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

Our paws are all crossed for your DogDad! We sure hope he's doing better by now!

Penny & Patches

Tucker said...

Looking good!

Licks and wags...

Moco said...

Those spots and black saddle look like Foley.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh you darling boyz...

And those speckles!!!

Our flat selves will miss you this week, dear friends...

Kisses to your Peeps!!!


Scruffy, Lac and Stan

Lenny said...

You guys look GREAT! I also love those speckles. The pictures of you two smiling are precious. My mom is squealing and changing her computer background.

Ha ha - my dad played Officer Krupke once. He was much skinnier then and since he is rather short (5'6") he looked like a high school kid. Thanks for the fun trivia!

Your friend, Lenny

the booker man said...

oh, man! first ya'll have to deal with the scary boomers and then the very next day ya'll have to get fur cuts?? that's pretty rough! i'm glad it's all over now, and i have to woof, ya'll look grrreat with your summer cuts! :)
the booker man