Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

K k k k Katie, beautiful Katie

For those of you waiting for a full report about our evening out over the weekend, here's how it was, just as we thunk it and spoke it:

Saturday evening. February 14, 2009. Romance in the air. After our previously noted conversation about what to wear, we decided on our best Valentine bandanananas (gifts from our Orlando pals, Jack and Alle Truett). Mom had a different idea though -- and so we also had to wear our usual garb. As if we were going to run away or something. But never mind.

So there we were, all spiffed up and ready to go. "OK, Dogdad, are we getting this show on the road, or what?""And are you sure you know where we're going?" OK. I guess we made it OK. And what is that we hear? A sweet feminine bark????? She must have heard our car arrive -- kind of like us, at home, huh? Let's go see. Hmm, nothing feminine about this foot!!"And dinner, Mom? Didn't you say dinner? ""Oh, you say, that kibble at home was our dinner and you humans are having dinner here while we watch????? And wine? And cake and ice cream?" How sad is that???
But where is our canine hostess??? We keep hearing her bark, but where is she???"
Oh, she's the shy type? Perhaps she'll come around with a little sniff or two!! Just Harry, do your best!! We brought her some squeaky toys -- if the sniffs don't work, perhaps we can lure her over with a few squeaks...But what's that? Wowser, what a big bath tub!!!
Uh oh, this wasn't some scheme to lure us over for a bath, was it???

Oh, but who's that????? Finally! Wow, what a beautiful golden tail she has!!! And those dainty little feet!!"Gee, Katie, you're a cute little thing!!" "Yep, k k k Katie, you're a beautiful girl!!!"

"Thank you for inviting us over!!! We had a swell time and hope you'll come visit us."
And that's how it was, pals -- we had a good time, even though Mom never did share a morsel with us, and we saw something we'd never seen before. Mom said it was a "pool" and people swim in it -- whatever that means. We're not so sure how we feel about that -- perhaps during the summer we'll try it out.
Given our reputation as the Barkalots, we do have to point out that we did not bark even once -- even though our gal Katie kept at it. After dinner, Mom disappeared into the den and found Katie on the couch -- they had a nice quiet conversation about us with lots of ear and tummy rubs, and Katie apparently relaxed 'cause it was after that she made her appearance.
Our human hosts were very kind too. They said we were good boys and very "well-behaved" and could come again if we wanted to. But first, we think we'll invite Katie over to our house for a play date.
Jake and Just Harry


Gus said...

Oh either of you think Katie looks like a cute little Fox? Maybe that is why you are so enamoured.


Duke said...

What a cutie Katie is! We hope you get to swim in her pool next time you visit!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

dang, not one single bite?? sheesh. Speaking of food, Mom said thanks for stopping by her food blog. I sure wish she'd make some food for us!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, Katie looks so sweet...and so does that pool! Woo-hoo!

See ya!

Moco said...

That looked like a great time. You two are becoming quite the gadabouts.

Faya said...

You didn't jump in the water ?
Katie looks so sweet and...tiny ?
She looks smaller than you...
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Princess Patches said...

Katie sure is a cutie! We hope you get to go in her big bathtub when summer finally comes! We're glad your pawrents had a nice dinner...even if you didn't get any!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae said...

K K K K Katie sure is beewootiful!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Snowball said...

Katie is such a beautiful girl! My Furry cousin, Crystal, is also of the same breed.

Did you get to bath in that super huge bath tub?


Asta said...

Jake and Just Harry

What a bootiful wondew you want Katie to come ovew and play wif you..I'm sowwy you didn't get any foodables, but it still looks like a gweat time....I've gone into a pool once and it wasn't bad at all..kind of fun!
smoochie kisses

Dexter said...

What a lovely date. Katie is so cute with all her spots.


Stanley said...

Hey, boys!

Looks like Miss Katie is a little shy, but worth the wait. We hope your playdate at your house goes well. Bummer about the lack of food, however.

As for that pool, next time you go over there ask if you can try it out. I bet you guys will LOVE going for a swim. Maybe Katie can show you (*winkywinkwink*)!

Goober love,