We took the "duh" out of Florida!! Yes we did!!!
Those long lines for the past two weeks with patient and enthusiastic voters, those new voting machines with paper ballots to amend the errors of the past -- not to forget the ever important power of the paw -- made a difference in our state, which has been the laughing stock of the country for eight years !!! And we happily abandon our reputation!! We just hope no other state will ever have to recycle that reputation.
Congratulations to our new President elect!!! We are so proud to be part of this historic moment!! Among so many amazing images after 11 pm last night, the sight of Jesse Jackson - - despite all his gaffes of the past -- with uncontrollable tears flowing down his cheeks as he stood amidst the cheering crowd in Grant Park, captured the story.
Jake and Just Harry
Thursday Thinking
19 minutes ago
It is truly an amazing day!!!! It's nice to know that Florida made a difference!!! W00t!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Your mom and her frantic worrying probably made the difference. We looked up from our bones last night to see muzzer weeping. We were worried until we saw that she was crying because Jesse Jackson was crying.
Maybe we will get some work done around here!
H-mom voted at 4:55 yesterday in downtown Fort Lauderdale and didn't have to stand in line for a minute! We are so glad that we don't have to plan our emigration to a foreign country now ... we think we'll stay in the U.S!
We live in North Carolina, who still hasn't decided (a day later). But at least the election is not in the balance waiting for us to decide.
Congratulations to all of us! Together we can change the world! Great work, B-Boyz and mom!!
FloridAMAZING!!! And Indiana too!!! Unbelievable.
Your friend, Lenny
Jake, Harry!
We Canadians are very happy to hear that Obama is president, that is truly pawesome! Change can be a great thing!
Truly the land of opportunity. Where even dogs doomed to death can be saved and given a better life.
Congrats on an historic day!
May the future be encouraging for all.
On a personal note - have adjusted
Hamilton's posts colour - hope this one works better. TY of input.
Love, pats & pets
How lucky you are to choose only ONE president....we have 7 !!! Yes, like the Seven Dwarfs...
Kisses, Faya
Yay Florida and Pennsylvania - we did it. Yes we could and did!!!
Yay Florida and Pennsylvania - we did it. Yes we could and did!!!
We were watching the news too!
We don't live in the states but we cried watching your people crying!
Kisses and hugs
Yes, I'm happy you guys in Florida redeemed yourself this election. I'm proud of our whole country!
Levi's mom
Congratulations!! Florida finally got it right!
Pennsylvania came through again, big time! I'm proud of my beautiful state.
Koobuss Kisses,
Boyz...I am SO RELIEVED that you um rejected me cuz ur monogamooose.....I WAS SO WORRIED AND WAS TAKIN' IT PAWSONALLY!!!
Thanks for makin' me feel better!!!!!
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
Pee Ess...
What's a mon ogg a moose?????????
The powew of the paw, and I suppose ouw hoomans too made this a vewy happy mowning ..we'we still tiwed..couldn't stop watching. we can all be pwoud and not have to find a place to move now..(I was sowt of looking fowawd to living wif all my fwiends though)
Wooot! as Ruby says
Smoochie kisses
Its a day that will change the world forever.
Simba x
Mom and dad are still yaking about Obama's win and they're still watching CNN! We're very proud of our country!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We watched it all on TV. A good result for your country it was good to see so many jubilant people.
Molly and Taffy
Jake and Harry, I was barking for you all, willing you on. Woooohho!! We are proud of each and every one of you.And yes we had a little sob too at his victory speech.
Wiry wags, Eric
How's the paws? Want to borrow Mom's socks?
Congrats to the new President elect...we hope he will bring about lots of great change to an already great country! =)
We are overjoyed at the result! Good work, pals! J x
What an excellent result. We're so pleased for you all ...... good voting maties!!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
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