Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, November 24, 2008

The signs are favorable...

This is the latest.

Mom ordered two warm sweaters for us on the Internet.

We heard her making reservations at a pet-friendly motel for the first night of our trip in Bradenton, Florida, and we heard her asking the reservation agent what would happen if we happened to bark in the middle of the night. The clerk's answer -- oh, they'll be quiet, won't they? And just then someone crossed our perimeter and we both started barking our heads off!!

We also happen to know that Mom made arrangements for us to be taken care of at a K-9 place near the port while she and Dogdad are at work there the afternoon before and the morning of our setting off for St. Loulis.

Then we just heard something exciting may be brewing in Mayemphis before we get to St. Loulis.

And on the way home from St. Loulis, we've heard we may waggle a bit.

Even more telling, we heard Mom and Dogdad having loooong discussions about whether they should take two of our beds or four (our grandma has an upstairs and a downstairs) and about whether there will even be room in the car for their stuff if we take up so much room.

Oh, and the most critical sign -- we overheard Mom tell one of the nice ladies at camp that no, we won't need our reservation for the Christmas holidays.

So, it sounds as though the folks are keeping their promise to take us with them this year, instead of leaving us behind to wonder what they're up to. Pretty cool, huh?

The Heron-cam is kind of p---ed that he won't be needed (times are tough all over), but decided that, if nothing else materializes, he may come with us anyway.

Stay tuned. If all goes according to plan, next month this time we should be shivering our wirey butts off at Miss Ouri's

In the meantime, we're wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving -- but remember, stay away from that turkey skin and other fatty foods -- they ain't good for us dawgs, no how!!!

Jake and Just Harry


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh boy, oh boy!! Sounds like y'all are going on a road trip for sure!! And it sounds like you may get to meet some DWBers!!! How very exciting. We hope you take loads of pictures so we can see too.
I think you should tell the heron cam dude to fly along with you. Then he can take footage if your humans forget.
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and your folks!

Unknown said...

Wow that is excellent that you get to go with! But you are going to freeze in St. Louis, huh? There might be snow! Wow you have to make sure to get lots of photos taken of you in the white stuff with your sweaters on!

Joe Stains said...

Sounds to me like you guys are gearing up for the best road trip EVER. OMDOG you guys, I can't wait to hear about it!!

Gus said...

Hehehee just wait til you meet TEKA! Oh, I am so excitered.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, that is SOOO awesome that your parents are taking you for a vacation! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun, Jake and Just Harry! *grins* Hope Heron-cam gets to tag along...then we get to see where you've been having your adventures! =)

Happy Thanksgiving! We don't celebrate it here,but Mom has heard loads of things about it and it all sounds so yummy when it comes to the food!


Asta said...

Jake and Just Harry
Those awe faboolous signs..I think you'we wight. You'we going on a twip wif youw pawents! WOOOT!

I hope you have a fantastic time!!!!
I'm leaving tomowwow(I mean today in the eawly mowning ) and going to Nowf Cawolina..I hope you have a faboolous Thanksgiving if I can't wite while I'm away!

did you say Mayemphis and St Loulis????Awe you going to see GUSSSIE???
love you
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

You are so lucky. I bet you will have the best time.

Simba x

Dandy Duke said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEEE, we are so glad that you guys get to go too! This will be one fun Christmas for you guys! We can't wait to hear all about it!
Happy Thanksgiving, Jake and JH!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said...

This sounds like something really exciting is coming up! I hope you have a great time! Take more pictures to show us.


Faya said...

Oh you are so lucky. Do you think your humans will come one day in Switzerland ? If they will, I could take care of you !
Kisses, Faya

Princess Patches said...

It sounds like you boys are going for sure! You will have soooo much fun! The other people staying in your motel may not have quite as much fun. Mom and Dad used to take their mini Schnauzer on trips and she always barked in the motels. They never got thrown out, though! We hope you all have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Patience-please said...

Woo-hoooo! We are so excited. And there is a very nice great blue heron couple who live down at the river.

wags from the whippets

Eric said...

Boys, excellent detective work there! Did those pesky wheelies help you? Are you going to see Gus and Teka? Dog, I'm wagging for you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your leggededs.

Wiry wags, Eric x

William Tell said...

We hope both of you have a happy Thanksgiving, too! Your holiday plans sound exciting.

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Moco said...

Boy, oh boy. You guys are going on a ROAD TRIP. We are so looking forward to the pictures of the trip. Just remember not to bark at the motel. Treats should help.

Noah the Airedale said...

So glad you're getting to go on holiday with your pinkies. Have fun fella and happy Thanksgiving.

Noah x

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Jake 'n Just HArry,

Glad ta hear yer gettin' ta celebrate the holidays with yer P's...I can tell ya there's nothin' like nothin' like it at all.....hope ya ll have a Happy Thnaksgivin'....Gram is cookin' here 'n we're havin' the whole family over ta share.....well, we expect ta get some turkey too....'n we hope ya do too....

Dewey Dewster here....

Lenny said... sounds like something exciting is coming up! I noticed that my people haven't made a Christmas reservation for me yet...

Your friend, Lenny