Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1 Message from Jake the Weatherdog

Hello Everybody!!
Sad to say, it's that time of the year again: Hurry Cane Season starts today -- and runs, at no hurry at all, through the end of November.

This year, the predictions are for a very busy season. The Atlantic and Gulf waters are warm and El Nino, who helps keep storms away, has dissipated. Also the effects of bad weather in the Gulf with the oil spill are unknown. Already the first storm of the season -- Agatha -- no relation to the wirey lass who lives in Boston with her brother -- has left a deadly first impression in Guatemala and other countries in Central America. So I thought it important to let everyone know that I AM BACK AT MY POST AND ON THE ALERT!!!

Mom and Dogdad have three trips planned for this summer and are taking our flat selves -- so we've been hoping things will remain quiet -- otherwise plans may have to be scrapped.

In the meantime, it's warm and sunny -- and the beautiful Royal Poincianas, otherwise known as flamboyants, are in bloom

They appear at the end of May, and linger for a month or so.



Gus said...

Dear Barkies!

Those pictures of the tree(s?) are bootiful, thanks for sharing.

Will heron cam be with your dogmom and dogdad,and if so, will you be needing a crew to assist with the weather watch? We will be "on the move" about the time your pawrents are on one of their trips, and can do field reporting if necessary.

Wishing you a balmy summer, with fingers crossed that BP gets it right THIS TIME!

gussie n teka

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Jake

You are so good, staying always on the alert so that your household are warned of imminent danger. Do you bark your hurricane alerts? And if so, how can they tell the difference from your other 'messages' ????

I am very sorry that all my barking does not seem to have made any difference to the oil spill yet. Rest assured I shall keep trying.

Toodle pip!

Ina in Alaska said...

Hello Boyz!!! We look forward to hearing more. Feeling sad for all in the Gulf region...just no words to express our grief over the devastation that will continue and expand....xoxoxo

Princess Patches said...

We hope you boyz and your peeps stay safe throughout the entire hurry cane season! We wouldn't want to have the heron cam travelling in the midst of a hurry cane, either! BTW, the trees are gorgeous. I'm guessing we don't have them in Georgia.

Penny & Patches

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Too bad woo didn't get booked into Khamp Khyra!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Eric said...

Boyz thank dog you two are weather wise and know how to avoid the nasty hurry canes. Paws crossed they don't visit or blow oild spills your way. Us Brit's feel very bad about it and are barking along with Bertie.
Wiry love Eric xx

Martha said...

Absolutely love that pic of you at your computer Jake! Great expression.
Thank your for the weather report and the pretty pics.
You may have to travel to Scotland if there are too many hurricanes - you can come to the woods with us and chase the deer!
What fun we will have.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

Scout and Freyja said...

Oh, how well we know the squeal a wall makes when it sees a hammer and nails☺ I don't need a larger house all I need is MORE WALLS!

Asta said...

Deew Jake
You awe the pwemiew weathew foweastew and i always count on you to tell me all the news. I will cwoss my paws that you don't have scaiwy news fow youwself ow anyone else and that the huwwy canes stay small and not huwt anyone.
We don't want to miss youw flat selves ' visit
Those twees awe magnificent
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Agatha and Archie said...


Sunshade said...

I am praying very very hard that the canes stay away.......

Where will you two handsome BOYZ stay when your pawrents go away???

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your trees are just gorgeous. We so hope you are wrong about the hurricanes. And we hope the oil issue doesn't get worse - hard to believe that is even possible. We heard on the news that some oil was spotted 9 miles off the Florida coast - bad, bad, bad.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

How Sam Sees It said...

Thanks for the update! We are visiting from


Moco said...

You take care in that awful weather. It is good that you are so vigilant about reporting.

Lorenza said...

I wonder when The Nino is going to grow up and let alone the weather!
I hope everything is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

The poincianas are just beautiful! What color!
We sure hope they're wrong about an active hurry cane season, Jake!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

Here's hoping you dont have any come your way!

Joe Stains said...

Well we hope you have none to report that threaten you or your family.

Dexter said...

Do please try to avoid the Hurry Canes. I worry about your small selves getting blown away.


Maxmom said...

Hey there Bafana Bafana!

Those red trees look like the flame lily trees we get here in South Africa!

Now, here's an attempt to answer your Barkalot question...

I am not a translation expert, but here's my take:
"Bafana" means "boy"
"Bafana bafana" means "boys", so I presume the end result for your canine duo would be......(drum roll).....

(There is no 's' involved)

By the way, please don't quote me on this...I am sure some Nguni expert might well have another opinion. (It was fun anyway)...I take it you will be routing for us?...Better put on the T-shirt! :)

Sending lotsaluv to you all and enjoy the weather.

Maxmom said...

Hey there Barkalot Bafana Bafana
(What a mouthful!)
Some added's the pronunciation:

Bu...As in Buck
Fah in nub
(And you must say it fast! :))
Oh you guys are soooo funny!
ps...Please send me your email address: ?