They gave it their all, won their game against the French team, and acquitted themselves nobly.
How sad that, for one goal difference, they won't be part of the 16.
The Barkalot BB
Canine Alcatraz.
3 hours ago
The Adventures and Musings of Two Wirey Boys from South Florida
yes, but they have come so far against the odds, they should be proud (in a totally righteous way, of course.)
We're such pansies. We like 'em all. We pull for 'em all. And we're proud of them all. (We could never be judges or referees. Everybody would win all the time.)
Oh well. We're happy.
Jake and Fergi (in North Florida)
A bittersweet win. But congrats for the win. They did so very well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hmmm, we are glad that South Africa won too.
Essex & Deacon
Jake and Just Hawwy
I think the BafanaBafana can be justly pwoud of theiw pawfowmance..They awe hewoes!!!
They played bootifully and wewe gentlemen to boot
smoochie kisses
World Cup fever is on everywhere! We saw highlights of that match and thought SA did awesome!
Wow, everyone is so into the World Cup! I think I need to get in on this too....we seem to be way behind on the matches and results! Kudos to the South African team for their win!
You are soooo right!
They deserved to be part of the 16 more than our team!
Kisses and hugs
You can't even begin to imagine how glum the faces were at the local restaurant last night.
yup, i'm sad south africa isn't advancing, but boy howdy, what a grrreat game they played against france!! that's going out in style for sures!!
the booker man
Even though they didn't get into the sixteen, they have still done so well!
They did so much better than people said they would! I think that is a victory in itself!
Hmm...based on the comments here it seems half of your readers think SA won and the other half lost...oh dear...I get a tad confoosed.
I am so all about soccer...isn't it amazing how fast they run around the bases...!!
(Stan and Scruffy's mouths drop in disbelief, but remain quiet...)
I mean there is nuthin' more fun then that 7th inning stretch...Lacie extends her back leggies into an ginormous stretch...
And I adore how they slide into home....
Go Everybody!!!!
Soccer kisses,
Laciegoalie er Girlie!
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