As reported in Fanhouse e-zine and heard by our own ears on local news this evening:
"That didn't take long. We're a week and a half into the World Cup and vuvuzelas have made the 10,000-mile trek from South Africa to the United States. Over the weekend, the Florida Marlins -- [our local baseball team] -- passed out 15,000 of these plastic horns to fans."
According to other reports, "Someone in the Marlins marketing department had the bright idea of giving away 15,000 vuvuzela-like horns to fans in attendance for Saturday’s game against the Rays. The horns the Marlins gave away were about a foot in size and much smaller than the vuvuzelas, but they provided no less of a distraction."
With all due respect to our pals in South Africa, this is what some of the players had to say:
"Outfielder Cody Ross called the horns “awful,” second baseman Dan Uggla said it was the worst giveaway ever, and Rays manager Joe Maddon said he thought they should be banned from baseball. As if that’s not bad enough, the Marlins believe a miscommunication between the managers and umpire Lance Barksdale may have been attributed to the distraction from the vuvuzelas. " Ah, but what do they know, right???
We tried to include a Youtuibe video but had to content ourselves with this link:
Tomorrow our Bafana Bafana play les francais. Although our mom is a francophile from way way back, in this case, we're hoping for a Bafana Bafana win!!!
The Barkalot BB.....
Canine Alcatraz.
3 hours ago
I hope your flat representatives will leave their vuvuzelas home when you come to New York next month! Or maybe bring flat vuvuzelas....
Your pal,
Even Teka is getting tired of those horns. And you know how much she likes noise!
Tee-hee - any chance we could get a couple of those sent this way?
Vuvuzelas? We thought they were hornets. And we're not crazy about either.
Jake and Fergs
We cannot stand them! At first we though there was a bumble bee somehow stuck in the TV!
Martha and Bailey xxx
okay, am i the only doggie out there who likes the vuvuzelas?! i think they are TOTALLY AWESOME!
the booker man
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