The first part of this episode of Two Travelin' (Flat) Terriers is brought to you by me, none other than the internationally renowned H.C. Bird, Jake and Just Harry's heron-cam. It seems that, after their journey across the continent and their multiple trips up and down 30 floors of their hotel for you know what, Flat Jake and Flat Just Harry were too tired to go trippin' around the city.
Just as well because, while I flew over to give directions, the humans walked and walked and walked. They were intrigued by the many beautiful skyscrapers -- and their reflections of other skyscrapers -- that give Downtown Vancouver its distinctive look.

They walked down to Canada Place, home of one of the most striking cruise terminals in the world. This is the view of the other side of the Burrad Inlet, where the ships cruise out to sea.
Two ships were in Port. One was being refurbished for the start of the Alaska cruise season; the other was getting ready to sail in the afternoon.
We watched the ship being provisioned: pallets of food and beverages and all kinds of other supplies were being loaded.
These are the sails thay give the cruise terminal its special identity.
From Canada Place, they walked to Gastown, but that story will be for the next episode. Rather, Flat Jake and Flat Just Harry insisted that we show you a few teasers from the next day's adventures, when they got to go along. So they are taking over the rest of this episode while I go snag some of the yummy Dungeness crabs that are found in this part of the world...

We saw this lonesome lady sitting on a bench near Stanley Park.
So we sat down next to her to cheer her up a bit. Somebody had already left a flower in her hand.
And then, as we entered Stanley Park, GUESS WHO WE SAW!!!!! Mom shouted WIRE FOX TERRIER!!! And his human, taken aback at first, brought him over to meet us. His name: Chris, aka Christopher Robin.
We told him about all our wirey pals...
He didn't say very much -- but his owner and our humans chatted for quite some time - comparing notes and stories and agreeing that we're kind of a fun breed! (We knew that.)
As we said this is just a teaser. More about what we did in Stanley Park later.
And just so you know we haven't been starving on our trip, here are a few more teasers:
We went to Chinatown and saw all kinds of interesting foodables in the markets.
My goodness sakes, you two are sure seeing a lot of sights and you aren't even getting your paws dirty. Tell your dadda to get back to business - after all, you need him to bring home the kibble!
The sail things are beautiful. What a lovely city. How fortunate that your humans ran into a little WFT so that they could get a doggie fix.
Wow, we are all starving and feeling very deprived after reading all about that yummy food. We can't wait to hear more about your day at Stanley Park.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Was he trying to get bakhk to the house at Pooh Khorner?
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Martinis ? Now that's sophisticated !
Isn' that fantastic! You get to see all those sites and get to taste and experience a whole new world!
Enjoy the trip!
How neat to see one of those huge cruise ships being loaded! Vancouver is an exciting city! We can't wait to hear more of your adventures!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Guys, you are looking mighty fine and handsome, we think Vancouver agrees with you. Aren't our peeps silly when they spot another wire? Muzzer has been know to pull the car over and go running off down the street to meet one...When she has ME at home. It is particularly bad when they are wireless, or dealing only with our flat selves...something about the feel of the fur under their fingers I guess.
We are sorry your dad will have to attend a meeting or two, but hope your mom will soldier on, providing us with further adventures.
WE are loving reading about your adventures in Vancouver.
Sitting here poised to read the next installment.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty.
Pee es: Flat Taffy is ready for NY! Just us Dales to organise now.
Geez....yer flat selves are enjoin' a grand time.....fer sure...those are some fancy sights that ya have been seein'....wish we could join ya....but we would misbehave badly....
Dewey Dewster here....
What fantastic pics - we have never seen building so high!
We have never even seen a ship although our humans said they went a cruise once and you needed all those pallets of food!
They reckoned there was enough to feed a whole country!
That sculpture lady was lovely - how kind for someone to give her flowers.
Wonderful adventure.
Martha and Bailey xxx
wow the buildings look pawesome with all the reflections. we can't wait to see more of the city and your adventures.
Oh my...Lacie giggles...I'm just thinking about the owner of Christopher Robin...and how you, HC, and your Peeps just showed up and then the COOP DE BRA er is that GRAAAAAA just happend to have two rather flat foxies on a stick to show them...
Mumsie's having a massive giggle attack...she's just thinking what Bruvver would have said if this had happened to her and she had our flat selves with her...he would have taken off running!! Sigh...the youth imagination...
We've seen many pix of Vancouver, specially durin' the Olympics, but we never noticed how totally cool those reflections are in the other buildings...and how amazing your pix were!!
Oh, we can't wait to read part 3!!
Buckets of love,
Lac E.Girl
Pee ess...that Jason works a mean blender...yes, I did drop by after you mentioned the um bar...
We had a booming business here last night!!
Now that we've seen pictures ... we want to go along on a trip to Vancouver. So does Moma.
Jake and Fergs
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