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Barkalot Bafana Bafana
Thanks to Maxmom, who's shared lots of the excitement about the FIFA World Cup coming to South Africa in a few days, we've adopted new names to celebrate the South African team. They're called Bafana Bafana -- which means boys in the Nguni people's language. Boys = Boyz, right? So for the duration of the Cup competitions, just call us the Barkalot Bafana Bafana. Thanks Maxmom!!!Now, remember in my last post I said that I was at my post and on the alert for the Hurry Cane season? Well, what has my goofy brother bafana been doing in the meantime????
He did wake long enough for us to pose in our red bandanananas. No surprise, the ones we're wearing are our St. Louis Cardinal bandanananas.
Just so you all know, our flat selves are going to Vancouver tomorrow -- with H.C. Bird as our reporter. (Our full selves will be enjoying another stint at camp, where they like us, they really like us, and I can keep an eye on the weather.) Before we go though, one look at a few of the flowers that are doing nicely despite the scorching (90 plus) temps
A new mussenda bloom:

nd what can only be called a miracle of plant mind over plant matter. Ten years ago our Dogdad's grandmom passed away at 107!! His company sent him a spathiphyllum -- peace lily -- to express their condolences. We kept it inside at first. Then we left it in a pot outside, but kind of neglected it for several years. Last year, finally, we planted it in the ground, for which it was extremely grateful. And then -- yesterday -- we saw a single white bract, which is the way this plant flowers. The first in 10 years! We were awed at this example of perseverance amidst serious botanical adversity!
And that's the word from this Bafana!!
Hi Jake, we like that Just Harry is so chilled although he is too calm to ever make a dancer like Martha!
We are looking forward to the Heron Cam - seems ages since we went on a trip!
You look lovely in your bandanas - we of course refuse to wear them. Loved the new name but can we just stick to barkalots!
Lovely the plants - they look rather exotic compared to ours. Guess we have to move to Florida.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
Hi Bwkalotz Bafana Bafana,
I think it's a lovely name and suits you to a Tee.
I'm glad that JHBafana is westin up fow the twip.
I hope you have a splendid time!
I look fowawd to HC Biwds wepowts.
You two look vewy stylish in youw Cawdinals banananadas
smoochie kisses
Hi Bafana's. Wicked name! Sort of reminds me of banana's. And anything that's edible or maybe not, has got to be wagging. By the by ,you two Bafana's look good in your Cardinal banana's.
Looking forward to seeing your flat selves in Canada. Safe trip to all.
Wiry loves Eric xx
I bet flat Jake and Flat Just Hawwy awe beyond adowable..i can't wait to see them in July!!!!!!!!1
I hope they have a safe and fun twip to pwactice
smoochie kisses
Hey...y'all are now the triple Bs! And - we bet your flat selves are beeeoootiful.
have a peaceful weekend, and don't forget to wake JH for meals.
Thanks fur sharing that furry khool post!
Lots of interesting stuffs to take in!
Safe travels to your flatselves and your dogfolks!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Your couch looks a bit like our Airedale lounge. Enjoy, bafnas!
Bafanas, huh? Okay. Works for me. Hey, do your flat selves travel like Flat Brutus? We are just getting ready to send Flat Brutus on his way, and have decided that we really like hosting flat doggies, if your flat selves want to visit.
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
Hey Bafana Boys!! hee hee That plant is fabulous!! Tell your peeps to have fun in Vancouver...PL1 and 2 LOVE it there!! Love A+A
Bafana Bafana!
I really love your style!
I almost choked myself on my are so funny!
Our indigenous people would love you!
Eish!(A South AFrican exclamation of intense emotion) The only thing missing now is 'green and yellow'...Bafana Bafana pressure :)
Anyway, please enjoy your excursion to Vancouver...and your plants are gorgeous!
Sending lots of love to our Barkalot Bafana Bafana!
We love your new name! We hope your flat selves have as much fun as your real selves!
Hi, Bafana Bafana!
Those flowers are beautiful!
My grandma says some plants are extremely grateful! Your peacy lily sure is!
Enjoy a good time at the camp!
Kisses and hugs
Vancouver? Sunshade and Jaffa live in Vancouver! We hope your mom and dad will get to meet the famous Miss Sunshade!
The Peace Lily is just gorgeous!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Aw. Perseverance and strength. Just like your great grandmama. Just look at what is possible.
Love and pants,
jake and Fergi
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