What fun!!! We dropped our full selves off at camp -- and we were off for the first time in our flat lives!!! Destination Vancouver -- diagonally across the continent!
We gave H.C. Bird instructions as to where to meet us -- and there he was, right on schedule as we walked to our gate.
Miami International Airport has lots of international flights -- and has just expanded one of its concourses -- so we had a long walk to our gate.
But soon we were in our seats for the first leg of our flight...
We changed planes in Dulles/Fort Worth...
And got ready to fly over some beautiful scenery as we sped northwestward.

Dogdad spent some time working on one of his projects and was very happy that we were there to help! (As we always do, right?) .
At last we reached Vancouver. The airport is filled with beautiful sculptures from Canada's many indigenous First Peoples (you may have seen some of them if you watched the Olympics last February). Mom is crazy about their art, so she was excited to see this initial glimpse of it!
Below is a blurry photo of a famous sculpture by Bill Reid. Called The Spirit of Haida Gwaii, it's a jade boat filled with human and animals -- Wolf, Bear, Raven -- spirits of the Haida nation. You'll see a better photo of it when we leave, because it's in the departure lounge of the airport. But if you're curious in the meantime, here's a link to a site that describes the sculpture. http://www.billreidfoundation.org/banknote/spirit.htm (The sculpture is also on a denomination of Canadian money.)
And finally, here we are at our hotel. Thirty floors up, another first for us!!!
More photos -- with and without us -- tomorrow!!!
Jake and Just Harry's Flat Selves -- with participation by H.C Bird, our Heron--Cam
wowsers..your flat selves are international travellers! (Dallas-Ft Worth?) Just remember to allow for time to ride the elly vador down if you gots to pee...30+ floors takes a long time.....
have a great day
peee essss...love the photos, you guys look great!
Hi, Jake and Just Harry's Flat Selves!
Glad you are having nice trip to Vancouver!
This first part was pawesome!
I will be waiting for more!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Wow, we hope your full selves are enjoying yourselves as much as your flat selves:) Vancouver looks awesome.
Wave if you fly over Kansas.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
what a cool idea - the flat selves. Loved the tour and thanks for showing the Native art at the airport. Glorious! Having lived in Alaska since '82 I have a real appreciation for that art style. Very unique. And the plant in the post below... amazing story!!! Have a wonderful time and too bad you are not coming further north.... As always the evening at the Crows Nest at the Cook was fantastic. Amazing service and a wonderful time was enjoyed by all. xoxoxo
What an exciting trip. And how wonderful to go to an airport where you can see such interesting art. But staying thirty floors up. Hmmm - I hope that your Flat Selves have strong bladders.....
Toodle pip!
WE are so excited we will be meeting your flat selves next month.
Have a grrrrrreat holiday in Vancouver.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
ooooooooh - how exciting for the both of you to fly on the Aireplane!
Vancouver looks HUGE and very exciting! We can't wait to hear more!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Jake & Just Harry flat selves - what an adventure!
We have never been to an airport with great art or to a hotel!
This is going to be the most exciting adventure.
We love the pics and look forward to your next installment.
Stay safe.
Martha and Bailey xxx
What international travellers you're flat selves are, jolly handsome too. Did you mamage to travel first class? Certainly looks a wagging trip. Phew I was relieved your flat selves weren't looking out through the hotel windows at the 30 floor drop though I wasn't so pleased that I was.... haaa!!! Now you flat boyz will be paying my flat self a visit when you are in NY won't you? See ya soon.
Wiry love Eric xx
Oh to have watched the pikhs being taken...
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Dawling Flat Jake and Just Hawwy
I am so happy you awe taking this pwactice twip, you'll cewtainly be seasoned twavellews by the time you come to NewYawk. You bof look soopew and what a gowgeous place fow you to visit..ooooooooooh, gowgeous sights, gweat food and dwinkies and Awt too..what could be bettew
smoochie kisses
oh wow, Vancouver!! we can't wait to see more photos!
Oh good heavens...we've been checking out Sunshade's bloggie and now we're catchin' up on yours, so we scrolled back to part one...
Oh my...you guys are so hot in your flat selves...you are coming to Nooo York aren't ya? I plan to meet ya on the pee ann ooo in Asta's house...wahoooooo!
Now, we're surely hoping when the flight attendant made the "make sure you check the pocket in the seat in front of ya that you didn't nip anybody on the way out of that little snuggie spot!
As for you two all those stories up in the window...I'm dizzy...the flat Lacie has never been above Asta's height...seven stories...
Kisses and on to part 2!
Thank dogness for blogs. Now we can enjoy your flattened trip with you!
J and F
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