Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Barkday (!) to our Dogdad

Tomorrow is our Dogdad's barkday!!! Sadly though, he will be in Alabama most of the day for project meetings so, even if we bark and bark as loud as we can (which we have been doing much of the time since he left yesterday morning -- to Mom's great "delight"), he may not hear us.

Last year was a milestone barkday. We had a big "real" party with lots of friends and family.

But this year -- what to do?

Mom had the first idea. She "invested" in the season Major League Baseball package so he (and we) could watch our Cardinals play almost all of their games. Which we have!!!

But then, we had another idea. What would Dogdad like more than anything we wondered? We looked at each other. Then we looked at Mom. She got it immediately and said, "You're right!! What clever boys!"

And that's how what you see below happened.

Yep! It's a painting of the two of us by none other than the amazingly creative Ms. Asta's mommi!!!! She painted us as a surprise for Dogdad last month and we actually managed to keep it as a surprise until this past Saturday afternoon.

That's when Mom said to Dogdad. "OK, I can't wait any longer. The Boyz got you a very special birthday present. It's hidden somewhere in this house. If you find it and realize it's for you -- then it's yours."

So the four of us embarked (no pun) on a scavenger hunt. First downstairs. No place to hide unless you count the back of the refrigerator or underneath Mom's desk or behind the bookcases. (He looked in all those places.) Then we went upstairs. Bedroom? Under the bed? Bedroom closet? Back bedroom? Back bedroom closet? Guest room? Guest room closet? Aha!! What's this?????

And yes, he absolutely loves it -- and so do we -- tail wags and scritches all around.

The only dilemma? Where shall we hang it?

That will wait until he comes home late tomorrow.

So Happy Barkday Dad. We love you!!! We love running together on the golf course and tying you up in our leashes!! We love hearing you shout LEAVE IT!! when we bark at a car door outside at 5:30 am! We love riding in the car with you! We love your sneaking us treats when Mom says no! We love all of us sitting on the couch and watching the baseball games! And we even love (don't tell) sitting on your lap and getting plucked! (Hah!)

And thank you, thank you, thank you Aunt Ami!! (and Asta and her daddi as well who packed it for shipping and had close up and personal conversations with UPS when they seemed to have forgotten where we live!!)

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy ALMOST Barkday to your Dogdad!

I think khontinuing to bark so he hears woo in Alambama is a furry nice idea BUT Dogmom might feel a touch difFURently about that!

I think khake and ice khream is a better idea!

That was a KHOOL and PAWESOME painting Asta snoopervised whilst her furry talented mommi painted it with her human paws!

Tank woo fur sharing!


Gus said...

OOOH, we love the painting. We think Asta's Mommi does great work. Actually, we think she may have flattered you a bit, but then....

Happy Barkday to all of you.

Do you get to pick him up at the airport tonight>


Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Jake 'n Just that's what I call a birthday gift.....'n a special one at that....and what a beautiful job Asta's Mom did makin' ya look just like Jake 'n Just Harry.....

Funny thing about presents like that....once ya get 'em and then have a peek at 'em.....ya just can't put 'em away 'n ferget about ' was great ya gave it ta yer Dad a tad early.....

Happy Birthday Jake 'n Just Harry's Dad !!!!!!! Hope ya have a great one.....

Dewey Dewster here....

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wow, Jake and JH! You probably just earned lots of dog treats and extra runs and car rides and baseball games on the couch when your DodDad gets home. That was an incredibly special gift you arranged for him! Asta's Mommi does amazing work. She captured the very best of you in that portrait. It's gonna be a forever treasure. (In the short term, if you get in trouble, direct DogDad - or Mom, for that matter - to look at those sweet faces. He can't stay mad for long!)

Tell your DodDad we wish him a happy happy birthday. And if he drives through PCB on his way home from Alabama (we know, we know, he probably flew), tell him to look for us on the dog beach. We're just wishing he'd brought you along and left you here while he was "up north." We coulda had a grand time.

Have a great one,
Jake and Miss Fergi

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Boyz...I hafta admit I sorta got a sneaky preview of ur pick...a small benefit of bein' a bff with Asta...can ya believe it...we think it's the best ever of you two handsome studs!!!!! WE LOVE IT and we know ur dad will too!!!!!

As for the le petite wheelies...

Let's just say they're tranquil....very tranquil....

I'll send some more straws....

Love you and them lots....


Eric said...

Ah boyz, my mince pies alighted on the painting at the top of your bloggie before I read you postie so I was wagging you told all about it. Boy oh boy, it's FABULOUS. Isn't Asta's Mommi a genius? I bet your Dad was wagging with his most perfect present. Wish him a very sooper dooper Happy Birthday from another barky boy!

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxxxx

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Hello Jake from Florida, which we are pretty sure is near Scotland, or maybe Argentina? Geography is not our strong suit but we love to travel anyway! OK hi guess who it is LuLu and LoLLy and whew! We hope you will stop by and see our truly humble correkshons artikle sintz we screwed up on the Airedale bizness! Now it did occur to us that if Asta's human mom had spent more time on your painting and less putting Asta in man-panties that this would never have happened in the first place, but then we were like, but the pikture is perfect so no wonder she had egstra time on her hands! Two Paws UP! for your human dad's barkday and also, pleaz come back and visit to see our correcshon, and please come back and visit again anyway, even when we do get it right! OK Happy Birthday to you! Happy Barkday to you! Happy Barkday dear human dad, Happy Barkday to you! ps Our Human Dad is in Alabama today too and also, we are very supportive of barking and also, of mom's "Delight!" :) Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

Asta said...

Jake and Just Hawwy
nothing could be close to youw in-pawson-faboolousness, but I hope that the painting mommi did makes youw sweet Dad smile when he looks at it.
We hope he has many many happy, helthy yeaws wif youw mom and you . We know howmuch he loves you and hall he does to make you lucky lucky boyz.
He also does an enviable job of keeping the two of you looking soopew handsome wif his haiw dwessing geniius.
Happy Biwfday Jake and justHawwy's dogdad!!!!!!!!!
We love you
smoochie kisses
Asta and Mommi and Daddi

Unknown said...


Or should I say, OH BOYZ! That's a fabulous painting of you two. I think Gabbi is gonna want a wallet-size copy to keep her Jakie close to her. We saw it when it was under construction and while Asta's Mommi eyed my scruffy tail for a paintbrush, fortunately she chose not to use it!

Did you sneak back some Doghouse Wine to celebrate your Dad's birthday? Hey, it's Snicker's birthday too - is your Dad seven years old as well?

Your pal,


Agatha and Archie said...

HAPPY BARKDAY DOG DAD!!!! Well if that isn't just the greatest thing ever!!!! What a lovely painting!! You two look quite handsome(as if you aren't....) We hope he has a fabulous day and we send him lots of birthday kisses!! love A+A

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful surprise for your very special Dad!!! It is just beautiful - she really does beautiful work.

Happy Birthday, Jake and Just Harry's Dad.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Moco said...

Happy birthday dogdad. That is one awesome gift that your received from those noisy boys.

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!
The painting is pawesome!
I am sure he loves it too!
Kisses and hugs


Grrrreat Pawtrait of the two of you.

Happy Barkday to your Dad too.

Essex & Deacon

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Happy B'Day greetings to your Dogdaddy!
That is one wonderful painting, but then the subjects are very handsome!

Love, pats & pets

My Wheelie Judy has posted here:-
with photo's of young me & my WFT sister the original Judy!

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Belated Barkday to your DogDad!

Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!

"Famous" Solid Gold Actress

Dexter said...

WOW! An Asta mommi painting. That is fantastic! What a great present.


Joe Stains said...

Happy Barkday to your Dad! Ami did an AMAZING job, she is so talented. The baseball package is a great present too, our Dad watches it everyday!!

Duke said...

Happy birthday to your dad and what a fabulous gift! The painting is just magnificent!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch