Words cannot express how awed we were to attend Myrna and Gilbert's wedding in such an amazing setting. We kept hearing strains of Mozart's glorious music all around us. Even the wedding bells had an echo of Mozart as they pealed in joy for the happy couple. Or maybe that was just our own beating hearts.
The photos of the wedding that Asta took are awesome. Check them out if you haven't already. But forgive us if we focus on just our own gorgeous dates: Ms. Gabbi of the Dughallmor Beagles and Ms. Essex of the Key West Collies -- and our pal, Sir Deacon the Dapper, also of the Key West Collies, enjoying the company of Willow and Lucy.
Thank you Asta, and Asta's mommi and daddi!! Salzburg Dreamin' was Dreamin' Come True
Jake and Just Harry
Mayhem and moustaches.
9 minutes ago
You guys looked Soooooper Doooper. And you were extremely well behaved.
We've been anxiously waiting for pictures! Everyone looks so lovely and it was obvious everyone had gobs of fun! (Mom had to put her nose really close to the screen to see ... she's blind till she gets her contacts in ... but I could tell there's gonna be some motivation around her to get me "socialized" so I can attend one of these gatherings someday. Nothing will compare to this spectacular wedding, though!)
Thanks for sharing your pictures. We can see you as couples (some of you!) now!
:) Miss Fergi :) (Jake's still sleeping)
It sure looks like everyone enjoyed SaltyBurger, er Salzburg. Deacon and I both had a pawsome time and the wedding was outstanding. There was one other picture with Essex and JH in it.
Essex & Deacon
Hi, guys! H-Mom is writing her first column for examiner.com and wants to know if she can put in a link to your blog! The article is called "internet links dog lovers locally and globally" and she talks about dogs with blogs a bit ... let her know ... rosavie@aol.com ... thanks! (she has been much preoccupied with this and her jewelry business, and not blogging enough herself!)
Jake and Just Harry
It was so wondewful to see you wif youw bootiful ladies, snuggling thwoughout..now let the eating and dancing begin! The inspectows wewe seen ackshually talking to some pwetty cute giwl wheelies, and blushing...could be some mowe womance in the aiw??
love you bof
smoohie kisses
I am glad to have met you at the wedding, I was Dughallmoor Snoop's Date!Nice to met a fellow Floridian!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Woo were khwite the lookers!
Gabbi and Essex look stunning and you boyz are so very handsome all dressed up!
What a perfect wedding! Everything was just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ahhh Jakey....I am still walking on air, what a wonderful time we had in a truly romantic setting...and with the most handsome of doggies on my arm, what more could a girl ask for? Can't wait to see the rest of the photos once they're developed, the reception was a BLAST!
Thank you for another perfect date my wirey love :D
Smooches and more sweet nothings...
Your Gabbi xxxx
We have seen so many wonderful pictures of the big event. We are so glad you had such a grand time. And you both look dashing with your dates.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wasn't it PAWSOME!? It was really nice meeting you two guys as well. See ya!
Once again, you two look Dapper and Deeeevine. So glad we all could be together..hope wedding bells don't break up our gang.
Jake and Just Harry
I'm just getting awound to answewing fwiends. whew that was soo bootiful, but exhausting. You two looked so deb on Aiw, youw gowgeous giwlfwiends wewe obviously smitten.
Wasn't that sachew towte gweat? who knew they could make it out of cawob and still make it pawfect.
I think I must have gained tons of weight. I had a thousand snausages, and wienew schnitazel and cake, and appeawantly dwinks have calowies too. I had no idea..I mean it just slides down like watew, hick.
Did Inspectowss Clouseu and Maigwet have a good time and come out of theiw shy shell?
smoochie kisses
pee ess Myrna and Gilbewt thank you fow all youw love and suppowt
It was a wonderful wedding. The two of you and your dates were the best.
We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.
Simba and Jazzi xxxx
We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.
Simba and Jazzi xxxx
Wasn't it beautiful in Austria? Wow!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
hey guys... this here is theBUSTER, glad to see you got back in one piece from the wedding of the century. you certainly looked like you were having fun. ms.LUcia and I had a blast to.
sorry we didn't let everyone know about the "magic flute" performance..we were asked to do it at the last minute because the "queen of the night" ate to much struesel and had a belly-ache. lucia wouldn't sing unless i did so i got the bird guys part...but had so much fun playing with that pan flute..heehee..
glad they didn't "sell" you to the highest bidder. a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do!! our people need to go to terrier owners camp so they can practice...you know, sort of like baseball camp where you learn to hit the ball.. then they can practice where those reallllly attractive-type things need to be placed so we can't nab them. uncle clancey used to get in trubble too. ah well he was a good teacher too..like you guys.
gotta go do some quality control here..
theBUSTER, MS.Persephone (a bit under the weather) and Ms. Blue
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