We are so honored!! Our whippet friends and their thoughful servant http://patience-please.blogspot.com/just gave us this "thinking blogger award" for our egret-inspired interpretation of Edgar Allan Paw's famous pawm about a different bird (aka The Raven).
We admit it, that pawm was a challenge; but now we face a greater challenge: what do two wire fox terriers and two hard-working humans who live in a two-story townhouse crammed to the rafters with STUFF do with a petulant, moody, often hungry, somewhat unreliable bird?
We shall see. For the moment, he's been fishing in the lakes on the adjacent golf course. And we're not sure if this is a coincidence or not, but last night Mom and Dogdad had steamed mussels for dinner and today they're having shrimp scampi for lunch and grilled salmon for dinner. Something smells fishy, don't you think?
And that brings us back to the subject of this blog: thinking.
Here are the rules attached to this award:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No fish or bird blogs, they'll just make you hungry)
2. Acknowledge this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!
We have lots of very thoughtful friends, so it's kind of hard to decide who should share this award next, but here goes:
First, to our new friend, Blue http://ifonlyifonlyid.blogspot.com/, who has opened our eyes to the wonderful land of Dreamingspires and who always has something interesting to tell us!!
Second, to our old friends the Doodle's - Celestial Nigel, Ms. Gimlet Rose, Sammy, and yes, Joe the Cat http://www.mrdoodlesdog.com/- who always make us think about important and controversial things, such as Google ads that lead to puppy mills, the dark side of organizations that pretend to be pro-animal, but that really do pretty despicable things, and other subjects we may prefer not to think about.
Third, to another friend from across the Atlantic, Pippa http://pippadogblog.blogspot.com/, who has opened our eyes to what it means to live on the streets before coming in from the cold to a loving family.
Fourth to Zorra, Katie, and Sam http://katiezipperdoodle.blogspot.com/, who made us think that dogs with a mission can do anything -- even find a flighty egret.
And finally, fifth, to Ms. Sophie La Brador http://sophierulestheworld.blogspot.com/, who has made us think about lovely ladies in a very special way!!!
We're not too sure we've added the links correctly -- so we shall personally visit each of these thinking pals' blogs to tell them about this award.
And in the meantime, thank you again, whippets, and does anyone have a recipe for fish stew?
Jake and Just Harry
Whoops, after posting, we realized that both Blue and Pippa have already been given this award. Does that mean some [great?] thinkers think alike? Or that some [would-be?] thinkers weren't paying sufficient attention?? Hope the awardees don't mind!
The return of the Shirley Temple.
8 hours ago
Hi there you two!
After that poem you certainly did deserve the 'Thinking Blogger Award' - Congrats!
And, Thank-you for 'thinking' of me to pass it onto. What with you & Marvin thinking I worthy of it, it makes it very special award.
Pats & pets
Hi Jake and Just arry!!
You totally desewve that awawd !! CongwatulationS!!!~ and youw choices fow giving it awe gweat too!!
Mommi has a way of making fish stew if you weally want it..sounds yummie at youw house!lucky that the golf couwse is wight thewe
smoochie kisses
Thanks boys! I'm going to have to do some heavy thinking about this award. Thanks for thinking about me!
Congratulations on your award! Great choices to give it to!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Congrats on your award! We sure do love your blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Jake and Just Hawwy
We awe sooo stoopid we missed the boats...we got all involved in taking down the twee and cleaning the house and then we fowgot even though you told us and we wote it down and evewything..eeejuts!
smoochie kisses
you certainly deserve the award, congratulations. And if the egret can help with the food bills, it means more treats for you guys, right?
Congrats on the award - you sure do deserve it!!
Hi, friends!
Congratulations on your award! Sure you two deserve it!
Have a good night
Congrats on the award, and good choices to pass the award on to.
Toodle pip
Harry x
And here I was under the impression that Gus was the only WFT capable of deep thought!
Bussie Kissies
congratulation for ur new award..
Congratulations!!! this makes me think I need tuna in my dinner....hmnnn....
Congratulations on your award, you really do have to do a lot of thinking about it don't you.
Simba x
Congratulations for the award. Its well deserved.
Pee sss: I enjoyed chating with you guys too. Shall we do it again this sunday?
Wow a Thinking Award. I mean how cool is that? The Woman just told me, "Tosca, nobody will ever accuse YOU of that!". Harumph!
Hello Boyz. Thanks sooo much for the paward. We are very pawnored. We shall display it loudly and proudly on our blog. We are glad that old egret came back, as we all were hot on his trail again. Silly old bird. You have any trouble with him, you just let us know!!!!
Jake & Just Harry!
You guys are so deserving! Congratulations. I love your choices to give it to too!
Goober love,
Congrats on your award pals, you deserve it!
Jake! That's the same name as my human brother! Florida sounds way too hot for me! But I know you terrier guys love the snow. Wish I could send some your way.
CONGRATS!!!! What an honor for you guys!!!
YOu sure picked some great blogs.
Frenchie Snorts
Hi buddies! congrats on your award! we'd wouldn't qualify cos we don't think we jus do and then sometimes get time-out!
Hey if you unclick 'shrink to fit' sometimes it fixes the weirdness that happens to awards & pics... weird huh?
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud!
Hey guys! You are true thinkers. I try not to think too much...unless it's about what I'm going to eat for dinner.
hi jake and just harry too... thanks for visiting our blog.. we really loved your rendition of mr.poe's poem... my humomm does like ravens --she sez they talk.. but anyhow.. Congratulations on your "thinking award".
thAnks for posting the poem.
theBUSTER, Ms. Persephone, & Ms. Blue too
Hiya Jake and Just Harry.
I don't think I have that award yet have I? Mistress has it, but she's not sharing it. :(
So thank you very much and I proudly accept.
PS I thought I'd already said thanks but it seems not.
Jake and just Harry,
Thanks fow the good wishes fow my Mommi, she'll be fine..but i did go to help nuwse Archie the poow baby..didn't you see me being dwagged by the snow mobile??
I wan home to help out with Mommi..I'm wunning back and fowfth..Daddi takes oves at home when i have to go to Boston
hope you'we both well
smoochie kisses
Hi guys,
Congratulations on the award! It is well-deserved.
Sounds like you guys get many delicious and healthy meals. Do you have to have an egret in order to eat like you do? If so, where can I get one?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Congratulations, Buds!
You two ALWAYS make me think, and you totally deserve the award. Your choices for passing on the award are also very appropriate!
Goober love,
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