Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's Chanukah!!!

We are particularly excited at celebrating the Festival of Lights this year because we think the world could use a lot more light. Especially in St. Jerome, where we are hoping a certain judge will see the light when it comes to sentencing Mr. La Porte (see our previous post).

Tonight we light the first candle of an eight-day holiday. We might get pressies, one each night -- Mom did when she was little -- but we're not sure yet. We were going to say more about this fun holiday, but when we visited Axel's site, we discovered that he has captured the whole spirit of the holiday, with all the special food -- latkes and sugar doughnuts -- and songs. So hurry over there -- and we'll see you all at Asta's party on December 6th, where we will join in all the caroling!!
Woofs to all our pals,

Jake and Just Harry


Peanut said...

8 days of presents. How neat. We will see you at the party

Snowball said...

You look so cute in that hat. Is there some competition going on in your neighbourhood, I hope you win.


Asta said...

Happy Chanukah Jake and Just Harry!!!
I agwee the wowld can cewtainly use mowe light! I hope youw wishes come twue..I can't wait to see you at my both look so fantastic!
smoochie kisses

SpillToJill said...

lovin' the Chanukah gear!
I also celebrate - but I have no hats:(

Agatha and Archie said...

Chag Sameach boys!!We can barely walk from all the latkes and donuts!Come to our blog we have a picture of a DREIDEL STUFFIEE!!!! and PL2 actually got us one today!!(except Archies was finished in about 1 minute before he killed it!! We;ll show you that tomorrow!!Happy Chanukah!!!!! Love A+A

Ferndoggle said...

8 days of light sounds good to us! It's been kinda dismal around here these days.

Happy Chanukah to you! Wishing you peace & happiness for the new year!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Gus said...

Yup..the Chanukah Gear is great! We are really looking forward to Axel's pawty, a good chance to connect before the craziness begins!


Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Latkes and sugar doughnuts? Perhaps I, too, shall celebrate Chanukah this year ...

Peace and belly rubs be upon you,

Harry said...

You two look adorable! Enjoy your celebrations. We're off to learn more!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Wow that singing it loud I can hear it from here.

Simba xx

Duke said...

You guys look so cute in your hats!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Patience-please said...

Happy Chanukah! Those pictures are just the cutest!
the whippet waggle

Lenny said...

Happy Chanukah guys! I'm practicing the Dreidl song for Asta's party.

Your friend, Lenny

Headgirl said...

Oooo, pressies, as well as food & candles - I only knew about the Chanukah candle bit, & maybe the food but never got any!

Love the out-fits, so glad you chose blue!

Have a wonderful celebration over the next few days...

Pats & pets

Katherine and Pippa said...

It's pretty light here so we don't need candles - but I hope you have a great Chanukah.

(you look well cool in those hats!)


L said...

Happy Chanukah! We hope the new year brings you peace and joy. Thank you so much for the lovely card you sent us. You both look so cute and festive.
Comet and BLU

Lenny said...

Jake, I told my people about your mom meeting Isaac Stern and Leonard Bernstein, and they said NO WAY!!!! They were really excited. Thanks for telling us! They used to go to Tanglewood a lot to hear the concerts there, so Lenox is a special place for them. My dad applied to go to the Tanglewood festival this year as a conducting fellow - he put me in his application video! - so keep your paws crossed for him.

Your friend, Lenny

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Happy Chanukah, pals! J x

Stanley said...

Happy Happy CHanukah, J & JH!!!

I love your Chanukah hats & scarves. Very festive.

And, speaking of more light in the world, you guys have helped a lot with that just by blogging.

Love ya!

Bentley and Niko said...

Happy Chanukah!
You both look very handsome in your hats and neckies. We got your card! Hopefully you'll get ours soon too, maybe at some point our mom can get herself organized and help us get to a party!