Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I know we owe lots of explanations -- and we have lots to share from the last month. But for the moment, it's all about the National League Playoffs and, in particular, the Phillies versus our Redbirds. Last night, if anyone was watching besides Khyra and Gussie and us, a SQRRL ran across home plate. Actually he was the second such creature to penetrate the baseball inner sanctum, as one of his relatives was seen scurrying across the field the previous night. (Nary a canine seen in chase, sadly! Just a few distoibed players and fans.)

To commemorate the event last night, however, (which the Cards won, to tie the series), the local TV station created the RALLY SQUIRREL!!
So who let the SQRRLs out???? Who? Who? Who?

Tomorrow night is the be all end all.....GO CARDS!!!



Gus said...

Go Cards!!!!

Are you guys wearing your colors?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The skhwirrel was just WRONG!

PeeEssWoo: See woo in Philadelphia - my paws are khrossed - but if it is a GOOD game - without RODENTS, we'll be happy...of khourse, we'll be happier if...

Ina in Alaska said...

And as I type this comment... Go Yankees!!!! (watching as I read & catch up with blogs)...

Two French Bulldogs said...

that is one cool mascot, BOL
Benny & Lily

WFT Nobby said...

We are guessing that the 'Cards' are also the 'Redbirds' and have something to do with Florida??

Oh and Jake and JH I have to tell you I was most impressed to learn that your human Grandad was and early practitioner of keyhole surgery in the obs/gynae field. Only two weeks after her operation, and Gail is bouncing around like a WFT!

Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Those squirrels are awfully funny looking!


Duke said...

OMG, we love the rally squirrel! haha

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch


The Red Birds down the Phils. Arrrooo. We are happy, that Dad's other favorite team is still playing.

We now have a first in the history of Major League Baseball, something that has never ever happened before. We think you know what we mean.

We will give you a hint, get into the WABAC machine. Think of Willie McGee, Ozzie Smith, Tommy Herr, Keith Hernandez and Bruce Sutter.


Essex, Sherman and Dog Dad too.

Dexter said...

Shocking squirrels.

Most inappropriate.


Pippa said...

I've not seen squirrels but rumour has it they are good to chase.


PS what happened to the trip??