Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr. Jake on a Sunday Afternoon

I look pretty calm, don't I? Tranquilissimo. But you won't believe what is going on here. My human sister is getting married in a month (June 18) and my human grandma (Dogdad's mom) is coming to stay with us next Sunday until the wedding, when we'll all (except us dawgs) drive to Orlando for the big day. Fun, right? Exciting, right? Well, yeah -- except, Except. EXCEPT!

For some reason, Mom thinks the whole bleep bleep house has to be cleaned from top to bottom and tons of stuff -- mostly her and Dogdad's old reports and files and non-functioning appliances and miscelleaneous unloved objets d'art -- you get the picture -- must be removed from the premises.
So last weekend and this, it's been like Mr. Clean invaded the place. Just Harry seems to like all the fuss and chaos -- and he nuzzles up big time to Dogdad as his super duper helper. But moi? I just like to repose on my bench and survey the world around me.

Oh, one more thing. The folks got a bit irate when the Cincinnati Reds swept our Cardinals this weekend -- especially after last year's messy brawl. And our boy, Albert, is not having a good year so far.

It's enough to make a dog turn to drink. Thank doG for my bench.



Unknown said...

Ooh, your mom sure is busy! The house is gonna be reeaaaal clean for the visiting humans and that wedding next month:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Angus said...

Jake. Just close your eyes and dream of ice cream. It will all be over soon enough and normal service restored.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Jake it all does sound tough down your way. Weddings eh? So much trouble. Gail went to a wedding at the weekend, at least I think it was her, except that when she left the house she was wearing this funny bit of material that stopped around her knees which I thought quite scary and wanted to tug, but she kept saying "don't be silly Bertie, haven't you seen a 'skirt' before?". Well actually, on her, no! I expect there will be some peculiar clothes and other happenings in your house shortly too....
Why not pop over to Scotland for a visit? We could have such fun.
Toodle pip!

Gus said...

Dear Barkies and DogParents.

June 18th is a GOOD day, it worked for the muzzer and dad. They send 40 years of blessings to your sister and her intended, and I extend an offer to both of you to stay here til it is allllll over.

pssst...I think Sophie LaBrador is coming about that time!


Kari in Alaska said...

Oh wow it must be chaos!


rottrover said...

Our mom needs an excuse like that! Our house is pretty cluttery - just how WE like it!!

Ina in Alaska said...

That is funny, I do the same thing before we have house visitors! In fact my mom, sister and an aunt are going to stay with us for 2 weeks in July. I have to get Mr. O's clutter moved out of sight too. It is not really a problem with the two of us but when there is company... gotta move it!

I am looking forward to the Alaska visitors from your family too!!

And Boston Red Sox swept the Yankees at Yankee Stadium this past weekend so... oh well...

Lorenza said...

Sure you are having an "interesting" time at home right now!
Sorry about the Cardinals!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

You sure have a lot going on in the next few weeks
Benny & Lily

Dandy Duke said...

We totally agree with Wilf. Ice cream relieves all stress, Jake!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Sounds like a mess of activity going on at your place. Such excitement. Weddings always get the hoomans all hyped up for some reason. bol. Better you than us!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie


Bowser a clean house. A wedding, visitors - we think you should hide or come visit us. We have tumbling collie-weeds throughout our abode.

If Albert doesn't get out of his funk, then he will definitely be costing himself a lot of money. On the bright side the Tribe has beat those Reds twice so far, with another game this Sunday.

Essex & Deacon

Asta said...

I'm so glad you have youw bench to sit on and escape all the commotion.
I'm suwe you awe doing a fine job of snoopewvising.
We hope all the hoomans have a gweat time visitng and that the wedding will be pawfect!
smoochie kisses

Pippa said...

Cleaning! Bark me about it!!

the booker man said...


i really really hope all the cleanin' at your house doesn't involve icky mr. vacuum! i don't like that noisy guy at all!!

the booker man