Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Angel Jake at the RBC (Rainbow Broadcasting Corporation)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Announcing the Return of Jake the Weatherdog

Rut roh: after a quiet June and July, we are looking at a series of tropical waves, depressions (Ana), and potential hurry canes (Bill) in the Atlantic. Nobody knows for sure where they're all headed -- except for a storm named Claudette on the Gulf Coast -- but we like to be prepared.
Mom and Dogdad rely on me to keep them updated and make sure we have enough kibble in the house for any eventuality -- so here I am back on the job

Jake the Weatherdog reporting from his post in South Florida.


Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Stay safe guys. We're supposed to have a storm here today. Scary!

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Jake! good job reporting the weather, there, we are keeping n eye on it too up here in central Florida, because Mom was going to take me out on the boat this coming weekend, I hope they all stay away!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Dexter said...

We will keep an eye on the weather channel for you. Hope it goes the other way.


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dear oh dear oh dear,We were thinking of all of you when we heard the TV tonight..Be safe and thankgoodness they have you to rely on the weather report...Love A+A Maybe you should come up here while these things last..just a thought

Gus said...

We have been watching the ocean stuff too, because of you guys, and also because we can get the tail end of hurry canes here in Mayemphis. That means we get to do without power and stuff. Yippeee.


pee ess..watching the kibble bag here too. Also, you should be watching for the postman soon.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Jake!
I know you do a pawesome weatherdog job!
I hope those tropical waves, depressions and potential hurry canes don't come to visit you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Please keep your snooter to the sky!

Paws khrossed woo khan make it go away!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

From what we saw on the news tonight, it sounds like a very active storm system is setting up down near you. Keep up the good work, Jake.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Oh have a tough job there's been a little quieter that usual this year...but we know that ur on the job...

Lacie wanted to know if you need an assistant, but I told her ya didn't...she's a total pain should have seen her and Asta together...YAP YAP YAP YAP...Stanny and I are still sleep deprived...

As for Myrna, Gilbert and the twins...sheesch...I'm thinkin' another litter might be on the'd never know they're in their sixties...

Stay safe boyz...can ya bark away those storms???



We are watching them there herricanes. We think that Bill might be going up to D.C. to visit Hillary.

Essex & Deacon

Unknown said...

Yes, we need you now! H-Mom is going to start saving newspapers for Madison's BUSINESS just in case we have to go to a "Plan B" whatever that is. And she needs to fill up the dog food bin, too. We are worried about "BILL." What do you think?

Faya said...

Our paws are crossed and ready for this horrible season....
Kisses, Faya

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you had a good weekend.

Jazzi and Simba xxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Thank dogness you are a talented weatherdog Jake. The pinkies would be lost without you matie.


Brownie Roo the Brown Monster said...

Nice to meet you guys...Stay you are the best weather dog ever!

Brownie Roo

Martha said...

We are relieved you have enough kibble to cover all eventualities.
We will keep our eye on the weather too and hopefully Bill & Ana will meet up and run off in another direction.
Our human brother worked for a time in the Turk & Caicos islands and it really brought home to us for the first time the worry of these hurricanes.
Keep us up to speed Jake.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Eric said...

Jake smart boy! You are right on the ball, no wonder your leggeds rely on you. Also keep a weather eye out for you here over the big pee.. yes we do. Need to ensure our pals are keeping safe or we would worry.Stay safe and watch the kibble - make sure you have treats a plenty too and one of those new storm shirts like Tanners.

Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxx

(Barking about worry - Mom is still doing that over the little spaniel. She really didn't want to hand him over after the owners non interest, couldn't believe it...he was such a sweetie. If he had his address on his tag like he should of done she would think aboutgoing back to do a dog napping for sure)

TwoSpecialWires said...

Jake. We've left your neck of the woods (well, we weren't ever clear down south, but you know what we mean) and we'd really appreciate it if you'd do what you can to deflect those storms from the panhandle. Claudette took down some branches at Gramma's, but more importantly, she scared the piddle out of her. Since we're not there anymore to reassure her and protect her, it's nice to know that we can tell her you've got things under control. She trusts us wirey ones.

Good job, buddy,
Jake and Fergi

Joe Stains said...

Do keep us posted buddy. Mom has a good friend just outside of Tampa so we always keep an eye on it!

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed that these storm fizzle out! You guys sure don't need this kind of excitement!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

William Tell said...

Stay safe and dry, fellows. I'm glad you're keeping an eye out for those storms. It doesn't hurt to be ready, because they can sure pack a punch in Florida.

Happy Tails,
William Tell